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Legislation Station - House Energy & Commerce Committee H.R. 2087 - House Resolution 2087 and the House Energy & Commerce Committee. Register, Vote and Get Everyone you know to Do So Also! The House Energy & Commerce Committee is working on H.R. 2087 - the State's Rights to Medical Marijuana Act. Reschedules marijuana to Schedule 2.

The Committee on Energy and Commerce
2125 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-2927
to Contact online visit: energycommerce.house.gov/107/feedback.htm

Energy and Commerce Members for the 109th Congress

  1. Joe Barton, Texas
  2. Chairman Ralph M. Hall, Texas
  3. Michael Bilirakis, Florida Vice Chairman
  4. Fred Upton, Michigan
  5. Cliff Stearns, Florida
  6. Paul E. Gillmor, Ohio
  7. Nathan Deal, Georgia
  8. Ed Whitfield, Kentucky
  9. Charlie Norwood, Georgia
  10. Barbara Cubin, Wyoming
  11. John Shimkus, Illinois
  12. Heather Wilson, New Mexico
  13. John B. Shadegg, Arizona
  14. Charles "Chip" Pickering, Mississippi Vice Chairman
  15. Vito Fossella, New York
  16. Roy Blunt, Missouri
  17. Steve Buyer, Indiana
  18. George Radanovich, California
  19. Charles F. Bass, New Hampshire
  20. Joseph R. Pitts, Pennsylvania
  21. Mary Bono, California
  22. Greg Walden, Oregon
  23. Lee Terry, Nebraska
  24. Mike Ferguson, New Jersey
  25. Mike Rogers, Michigan
  26. C.L. "Butch" Otter, Idaho
  27. Sue Myrick, North Carolina
  28. John Sullivan, Oklahoma
  29. Tim Murphy, Pennsylvania
  30. Michael Burgess, Texas
  31. Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee
  32. John D. Dingell, Michigan
  33. Ranking Member Henry A. Waxman, California
  34. Edward J. Markey, Massachusetts
  35. Rick Boucher, Virginia
  36. Edolphus Towns, New York
  37. Frank Pallone Jr., New Jersey
  38. Sherrod Brown, Ohio
  39. Bart Gordon, Tennessee
  40. Bobby L. Rush, Illinois
  41. Anna G. Eshoo, California
  42. Bart Stupak, Michigan
  43. Eliot L. Engel, New York
  44. Albert R. Wynn, Maryland
  45. Gene Green, Texas
  46. Ted Strickland, Ohio
  47. Diana DeGette, Colorado
  48. Lois Capps, California
  49. Mike Doyle, Pennsylvania
  50. Tom Allen, Maine
  51. Jim Davis, Florida
  52. Jan Schakowsky, Illinois
  53. Hilda L. Solis, California
  54. Charles A. Gonzalez, Texas
  55. Jay Inslee, Washington
  56. Tammy Baldwin, Wisconsin
  57. Mike Ross, Arkansas

Willamette Valley NORML Click here for PDF version, here here for MS-Word. (NOTE: You will need Adobe Acrobat to view the downloaded PDF.)

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