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Info on Senate Bill 423 as well as any related Issues. Legislation > Oregon State > S.B. 423. Info on Senate Bill 423 as well as any related Issues.

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Summary: Submitted by Senator DECKERT (at the request of Kelli Weese, Constituent) -- Relating to discrimination because of medical use of marijuana.   S.B. 423 changes effect Employment, in this regard:   Prohibits Employer from discriminating against individual with respect to hire or tenure or any term or condition of employment because individual engages in medical use of marijuana outside of workplace.

The text on this Bill can be found in PDF format at: http://www.leg.state.or.us/07reg/measures/sb0400.dir/sb0423.intro.pdf


01/22 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.

01/29 (S) Referred to Commerce.

02/26 (S) Public Hearing Scheduled.

Action ALERT!

Hearing, Mon., Feb. 26th, 3pm, Capitol Building, 900 Court Street NE, Salem, Oregon 97301

URGENT LEGISLATIVE UPDATE; re: SB465 (amending OMMA to allow workplace discrimination against patients) NOTE: Senate Bill 423 is currently being heard by Prozanksi's Commerce Committee. Oregon State Sen. Prozanski has offered part of SB423 as an amendment to SB465 (I) - which discriminates against medical cannabis patients - and we suggest that folks who oppose that bill support SB423 as well.

BACKGROUND: Leland Berger - Portland-area attorney and Cannabis Law Reform Activist - received a call from the Commerce Committee staff person about scheduling SB423 and was informed that Monday, February 26, at 3pm was the date selected and will be in one of the first floor (rotunda level) meeting rooms. Senator Prozanski chairs the Commerce Committee and he had asked staff to contact him (Lee Berger) regarding his availability to testify. Staff wanted to know how many people will testify, so if you are interested in doing so, please let him (Lee Berger) know so he can give them a heads up.

Whether you want to testify or not, it would be good to come to Salem for this hearing. It would be especially good to try to schedule a meeting with your Senator before the meeting (earlier that afternoon).

As with coming to court, if you decide to attend this hearing, please dress appropriately and be polite and respectful.

Leland R. Berger, esq.
(member NORML Legal Committee)
Phone: 503-287-4688
3527 NE 15th Ave., #103
Portland, 97212-2356
Fax: 503-287-6938
e-mail: lelandberger@comcast.net

click here -


- for Capitol Info, such as directions, phone numbers and maps.

... more About SB 423 >

Details:   Relating to discrimination because of medical use of marijuana; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 475.340.  Specfically:

SECTION 1. { + Section 2 of this 2007 Act is added to and made a part of ORS chapter 659A. + }

SECTION 2. { + It is an unlawful employment practice for an employer to discriminate against an individual with respect to hire or tenure or any term or condition of employment because the individual engages in the medical use of marijuana, as defined in ORS 475.302, outside of the workplace. + }

SECTION 3. ORS 475.340 is amended to read: 475.340. Nothing in ORS 475.300 to 475.346 shall be construed to require:

(1) A government medical assistance program or private health insurer to reimburse a person for costs associated with the medical use of marijuana; or

(2) An employer to accommodate the medical use of marijuana in any workplace. { + However, under section 2 of this 2007 Act, an employer may not discriminate against a person with respect to hire or tenure or any term or condition of employment because the person engages in the medical use of marijuana outside of the workplace. + }

SECTION 4. { + Section 2 of this 2007 Act and the amendments to ORS 475.340 by section 3 of this 2007 Act apply only to conduct occurring on or after the effective date of this 2007 Act. + }

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