Wednesday, March 20 at 07:49 AM:
i from i wrote:
"plus -
Wednesday, March 20 at 07:47 AM:
i from i wrote:
"Lawyers’ Committee for Civil
Rights Under Law, visit -
Tuesday, March 19 at 10:10 AM:
i from i wrote:
Eugene, Oregon -"
Monday, March 18 at 07:06 PM:
i from i wrote:
"PeaceVillage Inc.
Org. Profile:
Org. URL:
Org. Description:
Peace Village was created in
1996 to address the culture
of violence that surrounds
our young people. Using
engaging methods, skilled
educators and community
leaders, and the uniting
spirit of nurturing our
young people, we began to
create a vision of peaceful
world in which our children
have the tools for peaceful
Monday, March 18 at 07:05 PM:
i from i wrote:
"Ashland Peace House
Org. Profile:
Org. URL:
Org. Description:
Peace House was formed in
1982 from the energy
generated by a successful
ballot campaign to declare
Ashland a Nuclear Free Zone. "
Monday, March 18 at 07:04 PM:
i from i wrote:
"Name: Fields of Peace
Org. Profile:
Org. URL:
Org. Description:
Fields of Peace is a
national network of faith
communities committed to
emphasizing the message of
peace and nonviolence. "
Monday, March 18 at 07:03 PM:
i from i wrote:
"Al-Nakba Awareness Project
More Info:
Description: Palestine & the
BDS Movement "
Monday, March 18 at 07:02 PM:
i from i wrote:
"Oregon Women's Action for
New Directions (WAND), visit"
Monday, March 18 at 07:00 PM:
i from i wrote:
"Health Care for All Oregon,"
Monday, March 18 at 06:59 PM:
i from i wrote:
"Alliance for Democracy -
More Info: http://www.afd-"
Monday, March 18 at 10:04 AM:
i from i wrote:
"Lecture: Journalism's Role
in Environmental Issues -
Salem - Feb. 28
Action URL:
Action Mini URL:
Date: 2013-02-28
Event Time: 7:00 pm
Organization: Oregon
Description: Journalism's
Role in Environmental
Issues - Salem - Feb. 28
7 - 8 pm, City of Salem
Public Library's Loucks
Auditorium, 585 Liberty St.
Environmental journalism is
changing shape with the
evolution of the Internet as
a news source. With social
media sites, real-time
reporting tools, and
infinite space to house
their work, journalists are
leading new discussions and
debates about environmental
issues. They're inviting
people with clashing
viewpoints to elaborate on
their opinions. They're
digging deeper into
environmental topics for
niche audiences, and
pressuring lawmakers to
improve environmental
policies. Join OPB's
Ecotrope blogger Cassandra
Profita for a survey of
cutting-edge environmental
Tuesday, May 31 at 09:13 PM:
jimmy from north bend oregon wrote:
"just want to know if hb 3664
Friday, October 8 at 05:54 AM:
me, here wrote:
"NORML in OR: Oregon NORML –
Madeline Martinez
PO Box 16057
Portland, OR 97292
Voice (503) 239-6110
Southern Oregon NORML – Lori
332 W. 6th St.
Medford, OR 97501
Voice (541) 779-1448 Fax
(541) 779-1665
Willamette Valley NORML –
Dan Koozer and Perry
PO Box 10957
Eugene, OR 97440
Voice (541) 517-0957
Central Oregon NORML –
Heather Richmond
2660 N.E. HWY 20 Suite: 610-
Bend, OR 97701
Voice (541) 508-2750 Fax
(541) 508-2751
Tuesday, August 24 at 10:23 PM:
Marimed NW from Oregongreenfree wrote:
" Marimed uses the oregongreenfree
phone and email. We no longer use the
email or phone number you posted "
Tuesday, March 30 at 06:34 PM:
Ross from Oregon wrote:
" The OMMP law seems a bit
vague in certain areas, one of
those areas I would like to be
clear on is about grow sites.
Has there been any
determinations whether two
growers, with separate
patients can each grow at the
same address? Like in a co-op
housing situation. With the
allowed maximum of four
patients per grower.
-R "
Sunday, February 28, 2010 at 07:46 PM:
Susan from Eugene wrote:
"OCTA, the
Oregon Cannabis Tax Act 2010. A
Statement from Paul Stanford
on why the cannabis tax act
will be upheld in a court of law. For more,
Visit -
New office for OCTA
5220 NE Sandy Blvd
Portland OR
above Stanley Printing,
If you wanna get involved.
Circulator training this
Saturday, February 27th, 10 am
at campaign headquarters (5220
NE Sandy). We will be out
collecting pledges every
weekend starting then. If you
can't make the training email
Kyndall at
and she will send you all the
materials you need to get OCTA
underway. We are in a unique
position in Oregon to create
laws that will end adult
prohibition on marijuana and hemp.
So Be There and help end adult
prohibition on marijuana and
Visit -
OCTA 2010 Frequently Asked
I don't use cannabis, so why
should I care?
We know prohibition doesn't
work. Public money is being
spent on enforcing laws that
do not reflect the times.
Violent offenders are being
released from prison early to
make room for non-violent,
cannabis-related offenses.
Through enacting the Oregon
Cannabis Tax Act (OCTA), the
state will generate reliable
annual income for education,
health care and public safety
(just to name few benefits)
for all Oregonians.
OCTA is not just about
state-sanctioned cannabis use.
90% of the funds generated
through the sale of cannabis
will go to the general fund,
and the other 10% will go to
drug education and treatment
programs and industrial hemp
promotion. Hemp will
revolutionize our agricultural
industry, job market and
economy, with seemingly
infinite potential to generate
additional revenue as Oregon's
new cash crop.
How much reliable, annual
income can Oregon expect?
According to conservative
estimates, state revenue will
increase by at least $30
million, while other estimates
place the revenue increase
upward of $300 million*. In
addition, Oregon will save
over $61.5 million** Oregon
will save by no longer
enforcing out-of-date cannabis
If cannabis use is a matter of
personal freedom, why allow
government regulation?
An estimated 300,000 cannabis
users reside in Oregon, in
addition to the 23,000
registered medical marijuana
cardholders***. In other
words, 1/10 of Oregonians use
cannabis that currently is
controlled by the black
market. OCTA will take the
control out of the hands of
the drug lords and into the
hands of the people.
In addition, OCTA brings about
government regulation
regarding the sale and
distribution of cannabis, not
the growth and consumption.
The law extends personal
freedoms by giving people the
choice to grow their own
cannabis, as well as choosing
who and where they purchase it.
What about children?
OCTA stipulates that cannabis
is only availabe to adults 21
years of age and older in
state-sanctioned retail
outlets. This will reduce the
availability on cannabis of
the streets and, therefore, to
minors. A percentage of the
revenue generated by OCTA goes
to drug education programs in
high schools, promoting
responsible usage among legal
* Estimates based upon revenue
generated in California since
the enactment of its
Compassionate Use Act of 1996.
** Estimates based upon annual
state law enforcement
***Numbers taken from the 2000
United States Census.
Currently, the black market
controls cannabis growth, sale
and distribution, meaning
anyone of any age can buy or
sell it. Regulations puts
Oregonians in control.
According to in-school survey
data from 2007, 37.4% of
eighth-graders, 69% of
tenth-graders, and 83.9% of
twelfth-graders report that
cannabis is "easy to get." The
regulation of the sale and
distribution of cannabis will
dramatically reduce those numbers.
According to the Oregon
Healthy Teen Survey of 2007,
cannabis use among Oregon
teens has dropped 1/3 since
the enactment of the Oregon
Medical Marijuana Act of 1998,
showing that regulations works.
Oregonians value personal
freedom AND direct democracy.
Hence, Oregon was the first
state to consider, and
subsequently pass, a Death
with Dignity law. now, Oregon
will be the first state to
consider updating cannabis use
laws to reflect the times.
Oregon spends $61.5 million on
enforcing out-of-date cannabis
laws, diverting policy energy
away from violent and often
repeat offenders.
Surveys conducted by the RAND
Corps Public Safety and
Justice in 2002, the American
Journal of Psychiatry in 2006
and the National Research
Council Committee for Data and
Research for Policy on Illegal
Drug in 2008 all conclude that
cannabis is NOT a gateway
drug: Of the 114,275,000
nationally reported cannabis
users, only 2,685,000 (2%)
went on to use cocaine and
only 153000 (0.1%) went on to
use heroin.
Oregon's General Fund will
receive between $30 million
and $300 million annually,
paying for education, health
care, public safety and other
publicly funded programs.
Industrial hemp has the power
to revolutionize Oregon's
ecology and economy through
re-opening paper mills to
produce hemp paper, creating
clean fuel sources with hemp
biodiesel and providing
additional food sources with
ground hemp protein. A 2000
report by the U.S. Department
of Agriculture states that
Americans purchased 35,000
pounds of Canadian hemp in
1999, and that number has
certainly grown with hemp's
popularity during the past
eleven years.
Oregon has a rich history of
taxing vices: alcohol,
gambling and tobacco. It's
time that Oregon stopped
enforcing out-of-date
prohibition-style laws
regarding cannabis and tap
into the ecological and
economical possibilities of
cannabis and hemp.
Saturday, December 12, 2009 at 10:31 AM:
somebody wrote:
"Find a Meetup Group near
you, by Topic or interest and
Country, City ... Meetup Groups -
Sunday, November 8, 2009 at 11:29 PM:
Alumni from OMCU wrote:
Oregon Medical Cannabis
University got me growing
fast. I would recommend them
Wednesday, November 4 at 07:47 AM:
Thomas from Eugene wrote:
is a place to network with other
likeminded OMMP cardholders.
Cannabis Compassion is
patients helping patients
become self-sufficient
because it's the only way to
guarantee yourself of the
medicine you need. We share
clones and medicine freely so
come grow with us. It's a very
compassionate community that
helps in every way.
Come Grow With Us, visit -