NORML News Feed
* Every Monday, 4pm * Cannabis T.V. (ECTV) Show filming in Eugene. weekly at Community Television of Lane County - which is behind Sheldon High School in Eugene, Oregon. They start filming their cable-access (Eugenes) Cannabis T.V. show (CannTV) at 4:00pm. Contact: ECTV, PO Box 10957, Eugene, Oregon 97440-2957 * Watch EUGENE CANNABIS TV on Cable Channel 22/29 EVERY WEEK Wed 8:30 pm, Thurs 8:30am * Check out more on the show online at: http://eugenecannabistv.org * Every 4th Saturday, 2pm * and the Willamette Valley NORML Public meeting will take place at the Voter Power Office, 687 River Ave., Eugene. NOTE: Except holidays (Nov., Dec.) when it's the 3rd Saturday. Click here for > meeting details. * Need Medicine? Want to Network? * Voter Power Patient Resource Days - are held every Wednesday from 5PM - 7PM and on Thursdays from 4PM - 6PM at 687 River Ave., Eugene. * Students for a Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) meets every Tuesday @ 7pm at the Lorax Manor. 3 out of 4 Americans think the War On Drugs is a Failure. Are You One of Them? SSDP is working to Inform, Educate and Activate those who do. Contact - Sam at 503-396-9062, or email- samuelc@uoregon.edu Click > here < for more. * Our Tabling across from Saturday Market starts April 3 (1st Sat. in Apr., ends 2nd Sat. in November) in Eugene and as we have for the past decade, we will have our Cannabis information booth across from the market on the Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza. Hours are 10:00a-5:00p, address is 7th & Oak, in front of the Lane County Courthouse, across from Sat Mkt. If any group would like their Cannabis-related information distributed please contact us. We're updating the info in our 'Just Say Know' brochure so please let us know of any corrections/additions needed. Click here for the current info. OGF SOUTH CHAPTER in Medford holds regular monthly meetings and classes for medical marijuana cardholders to learn how to become self-sufficient on the first Saturday of every month from 2pm to 4pm at the SO-NORML Resource Center, 332 W. 6th St in downtown Medford at Ivy & 6th. Visit - http://www.oregongreenfree.org - or call - 541-210-8790 - for more information. * Emerald Empire Hempfest (EEH) Planning volunteer core Meetings * next EEH Vol meets will be TBA, and probably at Cozmic Pizza, 199 West 8th Avenue, Eugene. Get in on the ground floor now and for the future. It's going to be one heck of an event! call 541-517-0957 -or- Click > here < for more information. * Voter Power is hosting a Medical Marijuana Program referral clinics in Eugene. Next is on TBA at 687 River Ave. Please call 503-224-3051 to schedule an appointment. Walk-in's welcome after 12 noon, but you must have qualifying medical records with you. Visit - VoterPower.org - for more on VP. Patient Meetings and Meet-Ups; where -
-> Cardholders can meet with Caregivers - Caregivers can meet with Cardholders. If you can possibly spare them, bring seedlings/clones and medicine to donate to others in need. They are providing safe access to excess in order to keep patients off of the black market, but it only works with your kind and generous help. When in doubt, it is best to go to the OGF site ( www.OregonGreenFree.us/forums/ ) which gives a detailed account of all of their meetings. * Second and Fourth Saturdays, 11am – 2pm * Oregon NORML Cardholders Meeting * Oregon NORML holds twice-monthly meetings for their members who are Oregon Medical Marijuana Program cardholders. The meetings are held at the Village Ballroom, 700 NE Dekum, Portland, Oregon. You must be in line for the meeting and inside before Noon - the doors lock at Noon and no one is admitted after Noon. Click > here < for more. Visit MERCYs web pages for more on Patient Meetings and Meet-Ups. * On Saturday, March 27th, 3pm * there was a Oregon NORML General membership meeting * at Good Neighbor Pizzeria, 800 NE Dekum, Portland, OR 97211 * General membership meeting, open to the public; You DO NOT need to be a member of Oregon NORML to attend; The meeting is free, and this is a non-smoking, non-cannabis consuming event. Click > here < for more on the event. Visit - http://www.ornorml.org/calendar - for more on OR-N events. In Eugene, Oregon – Emerald Empire HempFest (EEH) and W-V-NORML presents their annual ‘Saint Pattys Green Day Celebration - 2011’, Music TBA. The EEH volunteers wants all to experience the good music at Voter Power Office, 687 River Ave, Eugene, Saturday, March 19, 8:00p-1:00a. Free Admission, donations accepted. There will be Raffles for stuff, Music, Food and Fun, of course, but also: Info on Avoiding Busts and What to do in a Law Enforcement Encounter; How to Get Your Card, Volunteer for The Cause, or otherwise Help Out, and more! $5 donation at the door. For more info Contact: Willamette Valley NORML, at (541) 517-0957 Part of the house food sales goes to the Emerald Empire HempFest. There will also be raffles. All festivities are in support of the upcoming 2011 Emerald Empire HempFest. This St Patrick’s Day-themed event is scheduled after the St Patrick’s Day holiday so that there would be less competition for this kind of event. Click > here < for more detail. Help spread the word. Here are flyers in > WORD < and > PDF <, here are Quarter-sheets in > WORD < and > PDF <. * Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, June 2 - 4, 2011 * Aspen Legal Seminar * Join NORML for a three-day CLE program, at The Gant in Aspen, Colorado. NORML will, of course, have CLE credit for this program from all states that require continuing legal education credits for their attorneys. This annual Aspen NORML Legal Seminar weekend has become a favorite for many of the NLC members, as well as Activists, and everyone looks forward to another great weekend this June. Please mark your calendar and plan to join the revolution. Visit - http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=6823 - for more.
The Emerald Empire HempFest is happening again this year in Eugene.
* Thursday, April 21 – Saturday, 23 -- NORML 2011 National Conference To Convene In Denver, Colorado. The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) will be holding its 40th annual national conference April 21 through April 23 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Denver, Colorado – one of America's most 'pot-friendly' cities. Please mark your calendars now to attend this important event. "We have chosen to hold NORML's annual conference in Denver this spring to recognize the prominent role that Colorado is now playing in the movement to end marijuana prohibition and legalize the responsible use of marijuana in America, both for medical reasons and for general use," NORML Executive Director Allen St. Pierre said. "Colorado has become the center of America's legalization fight, and we want to both encourage that movement and learn how we might more effectively export that fight to other states." Visit - www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=8461 - for more detail. Stand Up, Get Out, Speak Up For Your Rights! NORML invites the public to join hundreds of likeminded marijuana law reformers at the nation's only annual conference dedicated to ending cannabis prohibition. Visit: http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=8125 Please visit here for forthcoming information regarding other 2011 conference registrations, speakers, and social events. Sat.-Sun., August 20 & 21, 2011 Seattle HempFest in Seattle. Admission is FREE, it will be held at Myrtle Edwards Park, Pier 70 on the third weekend of August and goes from 10AM to 8PM, both days. Hempfest is a work-party. They want you to come to relax and enjoy our event, but they also want you to learn. When people learn the facts about Cannabis they inevitably come to our side. They want to offer the latest educational resources to help you learn about domestic production of industrial hemp, medical marijuana, pot law, and even addiction and abuse. They want to contribute to you being as informed, educated and prepared as you can be to participate in our culture and movement. Take this year's program guide home with you and study it. The brightest minds they can find have contributed to their program this year. It is a user's manual so please use it. Find more information at: www.SeattleHempfest.com/ Sat. and Sun., August 27th and 28th, 2011 * Oly HempFest in Olympia. The Olympia Hempfest to be held at Heritage Park, Olympia, Washington on the fourth weekend of August and usually happens from 11am to 9pm. Admission is FREE, tho they suggest a $5 donation. “See what’s taking root”. 3 stages of entertainment, craft and food vendors, political and educational speakers. Contact: by phone 360.456-3517 -or- Find more information at: www.OlyHempfest.org Hempstalk * 2nd w/e in Sept., Saturday, September 10th, 10AM to 10PM – Sunday, September 11th, 10AM to 10PM - 2011 * at Kelley Point Park, in Portland, Oregon. The reason marijuana is illegal has very little to do with drugs, and is really about money and the continued centralization of economic and political control. Hemp seed oil is biodiesel and is three times more productive than any other seed oil crop, and hemp seed oil will run any diesel engine today with no modification. Hemp oil is the reason the petrochemical industry made up the "reefer madness" myth. They renamed hemp, using racist propaganda, calling it marijuana, and lied to make it illegal. There is a truth that must be heard! That's what the Hempstalk Festival is all about. To find out more about HempStalk, visit: www.HempStalk.org * or Contact HempStalk organizers: The Hemp and Cannabis Foundation (THCf), by phone: 1-800-723-0188 -or- visiting: www.THC-Foundation.org * November 14th and 15th in Eugene, December 12th and 13th in Portland * Portlandsterdam University classes * Classes Saturday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm , Classes Sunday: 11:30 am - 6:00 pm * See Class Information for Details and requirements *No card required - Open to public * Classes Start at $25 with Free Basic Grow Class 100 and Politics Classes as well as Special Weekend Package Pricing * Come in and check them out. Join them for a whole weekend and get all their classes in one package, or just drop in, take their free introductory classes or select the single class you want. Location: Eugene - 687 River Ave, Eugene, OR. 97404 * 503-788-2349 * visit – http://www.PortlandsterdamUniversity.com * On Saturday November 21st there was a fundraising party for Jeanie & Jack Herer, at the Voter Power office in Eugene, 687 River Ave. The party was from 2 until 10, with a spaghetti dinner served from 4 until 6. Entertainment provided by "Smokestack"; “Chancipants and the Educators” (Jack’s daughter with other teachers) ; & “Fortune Cookie” (Chanci is in this band too). There was a medication area for all cardholders with a wide variety of strains to sample; Raffle tickets for a vaporizer; and more. The suggested donation was $10.00. * And on Friday, December 4th, 2009 at 6pm * Jack Herer Benefit Party, $5 suggested donation at the door * Rumpspankers, 700 NE Dekum St, Portland, OR 97211 * Jack Herer, author of “The Emperor Wears No Clothes”, needs our help. He has worked himself nearly to death for the sake of cannabis law reform, taken ill, and is now in a home needing constant care. Join us to help the Herer family in their time of need. Special appearances by Margo Pass, Tim Pate and more. Raffle Prizes, Great Music and ALL proceeds go to the Herer family. Do U Know Jack? Visit - JackHerer.com - and find out how well U do! * Every 4/20, at 4:20pm * Events and Activities concerning Cannabis Law Reform takes place in Eugene, Oregon and around the World. Click > here < for details. * Northwest Rainbow Family Calendar of Events, January, 2009. Eugene, Oregon has monthly potlucks of the 1st Sunday of each month, the next one happening on January 4. The location will be at Growers Market Building, upstairs, 454 Willamette, and goes from 1 to 6 pm. * Portland, Oregon has monthly potlucks on the 2nd Sunday of each month, the next one will be on January 11. The location will be at STUDIO 6, which is located at 6 N.E. Tillamook St. (about 4 blocks North of N.E. Broadway), on the S.E. corner of N. Williams Ave. and N.E. Tillamook St., and begins at 2 pm. At Rainbow Family of Living Light potlucks, bring the children, friends, food and juice to share, cup, bowl and spoon, musical instruments, visions, and lots of good energy. Dates and locations seldom change, however, you may wish to call a northwest rainbow lightline in Portland, (503)727-2498, for any updates. * "Medical Marijuana Growers Seminar" featuring Ed Rosenthal Feb 1, 1p-3p, at the WOW Hall, 8th & Lincoln, Eugene with an after-gathering @ Herbs Toasted Subs, 1210 Willamette St. NOTE: This event was sponsored by VP, OGF & W-V-NORML and was open to non-CardHolders as well as Patients and CareGivers. Marches for Global Cannabis Liberation * Sat., May 7, 2011, All Day * Salem, Eugene, Portland and around the World. Here in Eugene, celebrate the Global Marijuana March with notable activists delivering short speeches on different aspects of MJ issues and reform. We hope to see you all there. E-mail us at gmm@willamettevalleynorml.org if interested in Eugene area plans. Call us 541-517-0957 or visit - the GMM page. In Salem, ... The MERCY Center will host an assembly for this event, starting at 11am, at the far end of the mall across from the steps of the Capital Building, Salem, Oregon on Saturday, May 7th, 2011. Officially, the corner of W. Summer and Center streets. At High Noon (sharp!) they March thru downtown Salem and back to the Rally point. For more information, please contact MERCY at 503-363-4588 or visit - http://mercycenters.org/events/MMM.html. In Portland, ... they usually gather at Pioneer Courthouse Square at 11am and leave the square at High Noon with a full police escort, marching through the streets of Portland to demand an end to adult marijuana prohibition. They return to the square following the march for an all-day festival to educate the public about the benefits of medical marijuana, industrial hemp, and social cannabis use as compared to alcohol. For more information, please contact Oregon NORML at 503-239-6110 or visit - http://www.ornorml.org/gcm/index.php. Come out and join what has become a staple of local Portland culture, the Global Cannabis March. * Saturday,
July 4th, 2011 * Fourth Of July Smoke-In / Rally, March & Concert To
End Marijuana Prohibition On July 4th In Washington, D.C. * Yes, it’s the 4th
of July Hemp Coalition's 40th Annual Smoke-In at the National Mall in Washington DC (23rd &
Wisconsin NW). The Rally starts
at "High Noon" in Lafayette Park (North side
of the White House).
From 12:00-3:00pm Activist
speakers from the front lines of the "War On Drugs" comment
on the progress and direction of ending marijuana prohibition and other aspects
of drug policy reform. The
Concert begins at 2pm in the Henry Bacon Ball
Field located at 23rd Street and Constitution Avenue
NW. Performers and
activists will present a colorful message relating to our cause during the
afternoon. At 4:00pm the "Peace Mile Parade" concludes
it's march route at the ball field. At 8:50pm
we are required by the Park Service to shut down our sound system so that it
will not interfere with the National Park Service fireworks display. For more info Contact: Fourth of July Hemp
Coalition (FJHC) - P O Box 5513, Washington DC 20016, phone 202-286-5586, or visit - http://www.smoke-in.org/
ATTENTION Cannabis Law Reformers! Help raise funds for the Emerald Empire HempFest and Awareness for NORML. Join W-V-NORML on Saturday, Feb 19-ish, 2012 for the 'Sweet Leaf Valentines Ball' which will probably be held at the Voter Power Office, 687 River Ave, Eugene, and went from 8:00p – Close. Last one - to be held on Feb. 19th, 2011 - was cancelled There are exciting things coming, Let's all help raise the money to get EEH off the ground. Help spread the word. Here are flyers in > WORD < and > PDF <, here are Quarter-sheets in > WORD < and > PDF < click > here < for more detail. * National Medical Marijuana Week Saturday, February 13 through Sunday, February 21 , at the all across the nation * Mark your calendars for the eighth annual National Medical Marijuana Week. Medical Marijuana Week offers medical marijuana activists and advocates a great national banner for local events. ASA will be publicizing Medical Marijuana Week to our thousands of activists across the country, so if you have an event you want to share, they can help put the word out. How can you use Medical Marijuana Week in your community? Here are a few ideas, from small to big: · A candlelight vigil in support of patients · A city or county proclamation · A lobbying visit with your elected officials · A panel discussion on the science behind medical marijuana · A fundraiser (maybe even for ASA!) For more details, contact the Americans for Safe Access (ASA) Team toll-free at 888.929.4367 or visit -http://www.americansforsafeaccess.org/mmjweek Saturday, March 27th, 4:20PM – 2:30AM * Northwest Hemp Exposition will host a fundraiser at the Granary Pizza (formerly Joe Fed's) 259 E 5th St. in Eugene. They have arranged a night of special entertainment with music, speakers, Hemp-burgers and beer, and more. Door prizes and Expo T-Shirts will be available, several non-profit advocacy groups will be represented. They are a community based organization and the evening will begin with a special tribal blessing for their righteous fundraising project, (Expo, Lane County Fair Grounds: August 7 & 8th). They are family friendly, children are welcome to help inspire everyone from 4:20pm to 10pm, speakers and music will continue until 2:30am. * SSDP will be holding a Know Your Rights/M74 Education lecture/Q&A at the UO Sept 29th @ 7pm in room Willamette 100. Seeing as this is the first Wed of fall term, the objective is to lure in as many Freshmen with a students rights lecture (hopefully given by John Lucy, waiting on confirmation), as well as a Measure 74 lecture/Q&A given by Anthony Johnson. If you can help out with advertising this event to your friends in Lane county, that would be great. PR work will make or break this event! If you have Eugene media contacts, please put them in contact with them, maybe get an interview before hand? Click here for event and contact info.