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Oregon Group Works on Rules for Industrial Hemp

Oregon farmers could put in a crop of industrial hemp next spring if a panel of experts can satisfy federal officials with a set of tightly drawn rules. The committee of agricultural experts and state policy officials has been selected by the Oregon Department of Agriculture and will come together in December, the Oregonian reported . The committee hopes to set up a program that will meet what the federal government calls a “robust” standard, said Jim Cramer, a market and certification official in the department. He said the goal is to do so in time for planting. Oregon is one of seven states with laws permitting industrial hemp — a strain of marijuana with only a trace of the plant’s psychoactive chemical. Hemp’s historic use has been for rope. These days it is put to hundreds of uses: clothing and mulch from the fiber, for instance, and foods such as hemp milk and cooking oil from the seeds, as well as creams, soap and lotions.

Oregon officials have held off implementing the state’s 2009 law, saying they would wait until the federal government reclassified marijuana from a substance prone to abuse and lacking medicinal value. That has not happened, but an opinion issued in late August explained the federal government’s decision against challenging recreational marijuana laws in Washington and Colorado. The memo set priorities on marijuana and said a “robust” system for enforcing state marijuana laws is less likely to threaten federal priorities. Cramer said his department sought written confirmation from the federal government that it would not oppose an industrial hemp program in Oregon, but it hasn’t gotten a formal response. “What we want is for the federal government to say these are robust,” he said of the rules the group is drafting. He said the committee is researching industrial hemp rules in Colorado, North Dakota and Canada. He said Oregon’s rules will cover fees, hemp processing and testing that ensures the level of the plant’s psychoactive chemical, tetrahydrocannabinol, is less than 0.3 percent. >> SOURCE = www.cannabisnews.org/oregon-group-works-on-rules-for-industrial-hemp/2013/11/09/

For more information about industrial hemp, please visit: http://www.votehemp.org. Thank you for assisting MERCYs federal law reform efforts. Learn more, Act up! visit - http://capwiz.com/norml2/issues/alert/?alertid=48009501

Support Federal Legislation To End Marijuana Prohibition - Urge Your Representative to Support and Co-Sponsor HR 2306

Lawmakers for the first time have introduced legislation in Congress that seeks to end the federal criminalization of the personal use of marijuana. HR 2306, entitled the ‘Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011,’ prohibits the federal government from prosecuting adults who use or possess marijuana by removing the plant and its primary psychoactive constituent, THC, from the five schedules of the United States Controlled Substances Act of 1970.

Under present law, all varieties of the marijuana plant are defined as illicit Schedule I controlled substances, defined as possessing ‘a high potential for abuse,’ and ‘no currently accepted medical use in treatment.’ HR 2306 seeks to federally deregulate the personal possession and use of marijuana by adults. It marks the first time that members of Congress have introduced legislation to eliminate the federal criminalization of marijuana since the passage of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937.

Language in this Act mimics changes enacted by Congress to repeal the federal prohibition of alcohol. Passage of this measure would remove the existing conflict between federal law and the laws of those sixteen states that allow for the limited use of marijuana under a physicians’ supervision. It would also allow state governments that wish to fully legalize and regulate the responsible use, possession, and production of marijuana for all adults to be free to do so without federal interference. The federal criminalization of marijuana has failed to reduce the public’s demand or access to cannabis, and it has imposed enormous fiscal and human costs upon the American people. It is time to end this failed public policy and to provide state governments with the freedom to enact alternative strategies — such as medicalization, decriminalization, and/or legalization — without running afoul of the federal law. Please urge your United States Representative to co-sponsor and/or support HR 2306: ‘Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011’ by entering your zip code below. Learn more, Act up! visit - http://capwiz.com/norml2/issues/alert/?alertid=52475516 - and - http://capwiz.com/norml2/issues/alert/?alertid=50800581

Support Medical Marijuana Bills in Congress

Support Medical Marijuana Bills in Congress

Washington, DC -- Three medical marijuana bills were introduced today in Congress with support from patient advocates. The most significant of the three bills is one introduced by Congressman Frank (D-MA), which reclassifies marijuana from its current status as a dangerous drug with no medical value. Another bill, introduced by Congressman Polis (D-CO), will allow banks and other financial institutions to provide services to medical marijuana businesses without being subject to "suspicious activity" reporting requirements. The third bill, introduced by Congressman Stark(D-CA), changes the federal tax code "to allow a deduction for expenses in connection with the trade or business of selling marijuana intended for patients for medical purposes pursuant to State law."

"All of these bills will have a positive effect on hundreds of thousands of Americans and only a negligible impact to the rest of the country," said Steph Sherer, Executive Director of Americans for Safe Access (ASA), the country's largest medical marijuana advocacy group. "This kind of policy shift is a no-brainer and should garner the bipartisan support of Congress." To shore up support for these and other local and state medical marijuana bills, ASA is launching a new advocacy program.

The introduction of Congressional legislation today comes as ASA is equipping patient advocates with new tools to lobby local, state and federal governments. ASA unveiled a new program today that establishes a "Medical Cannabis Think Tank" to provide activists the support they need to analyze pending or proposed legislation and to lobby for the best laws possible. To support the lobbying effort, ASA also unveiled its new "Online Training Center," with more than 4 hours of educational streaming video and over 400 pages of instruction manuals and worksheets. ASA's program also includes an improved "Raid Response Center" to better prepare for aggressive federal interference.

As part of its "Sick and Tired" campaign, ASA and others filed a writ Monday in the DC Circuit to compel the federal government to answer a 9-year-old petition to reclassify cannabis. The Coalition for Rescheduling Cannabis (CRC) argued in the writ that the government has unreasonably delayed an answer to the petition in violation of the Administrative Procedures Act. "The Drug Enforcement Administration has the opportunity right now to address the needs of patients across the country by reclassifying cannabis," continued Sherer. "However, since Congress can also reclassify cannabis, we are urging passage of the Frank bill in order to take advantage of all points of leverage."

If passed, the Frank bill would not only recognize marijuana's medical value, but also provide a medical necessity defense in federal court, a right not currently afforded to patients and caregivers who are in compliance with their local and state laws. The Frank bill would also usher forth greater research into the therapeutic properties of cannabis and create incentives for the development of new cannabis-based medication. Advocates hope the Polis bill, if passed, will end the current ban on services for medical marijuana businesses by institutions like Wells Fargo, CitiCorp and Bank of America. The Stark bill has the potential to end dozens of audits by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) currently taking place, and settle once and for all whether the IRS can demand tax on gross or just net proceeds. Visit - http://www.opposingviews.com/i/medical-marijuana-advocates-back-3-bills-in-congress - and Spread The Word!

Thank you for assisting MERCYs federal law reform efforts. Learn more, Act up! visit - http://capwiz.com/norml2/issues/alert/?alertid=48392511

  Top News Stories  

Weeding Through The Hype: Interpreting The Latest Warnings About Pot and Schizophrenia Weeding Through The Hype: Interpreting The Latest Warnings About Pot and Schizophrenia   | Once again members of the mainstream media are running wild with the notion that marijuana use causes schizophrenia and psychosis. To add insult to injury, this latest dose of reefer rhetoric comes only days after investigators in the United Kingdom reported in the prestigious scientific journal Addiction that the available evidence in support of this theory is “neither very new, nor by normal criteria, particularly compelling.” (Predictably, the conclusions of that study went all together unnoticed by the mainstream press.)

Yet today’s latest alarmist report, like those studies touting similar claims before it, fails to account for the following: If, as the authors of this latest study suggest, cannabis use is a cause of mental illness (and schizophrenia in particular), then why have diagnosed incidences of schizophrenia not paralleled rising trends in cannabis use over time? In fact, it was only in September when investigators at the Keele University Medical School in Britain smashed the pot = schizophrenia theory to smithereens. Writing in the journal Schizophrenia Research, the team compared trends in marijuana use and incidences of schizophrenia in the United Kingdom from 1996 to 2005. Researchers reported that the “incidence and prevalence of schizophrenia and psychoses were either stable or declining” during this period, even the use of cannabis among the general population was rising. Click > here < for more.

THE FORFEITURE RACKET THE FORFEITURE RACKET;   Police and Prosecutors Won't Give Up Their License to Steal   | Around 3 in the morning on January 7, 2009, a 22-year-old college student named Anthony Smelley was pulled over on Interstate 70 in Putnam County, Indiana. He and two friends were en route from Detroit to visit Smelley's aunt in St. Louis. Smelley, who had recently received a $50,000 settlement from a car accident, was carrying around $17,500 in cash, according to later court documents. He claims he was bringing the money to buy a new car for his aunt. The officer who pulled him over, Lt. Dwight Simmons of the Putnam County Sheriff's Department, said that Smelley had made an unsafe lane change and was driving with an obscured license plate. When Simmons asked for a driver's license, Smelley told him he had lost it after the accident. Simmons called in Smelley's name and discovered that his license had actually expired. The policeman asked Smelley to come out of the car, patted him down, and discovered a large roll of cash in his front pocket, in direct contradiction to Smelley's alleged statement in initial questioning that he wasn't, in fact, carrying much money. Click > here < for more.

OPED:  Evans: In Defense of Martha OPED: Evans: In Defense of Martha   | As a Main Street lawyer, I rise in defense of Martha Coakley, who is not to blame for her inglorious defeat. Instead, blame belongs to Mike Capuano, the progressive and likeable congressman from Somerville who lost to her in the Democratic primary. But for a gross political miscalculation, he might well have been the Democratic nominee, with dramatically different results for Massachusetts and the nation.


-- In November of 2008, slightly over a year ago, Massachusetts voters elected Barrack Obama by 62%, and passed an initiative to decriminalize marijuana by 65%. (Yes, 65%!

-- Martha Coakley, long-resistant to marijuana reform, led a phalanx of prosecutors and law enforcement officials in opposition to the initiative. After the landslide victory for decriminalization, she resolutely stood her ground and encouraged cities and towns to pass new anti-pot ordinances, usually at the behest of local police, confident that her judgment was superior to that of the voters. Click > here < for more.

OPED:  Evans: In Defense of Martha Marijuana should be legalized   | Monday, January 25, 2010 - It is disappointing, though telling, to learn that the proposal by Virginia Del. Harvey B. Morgan (R-Gloucester) to amend the state's antiquated and overly punitive marijuana laws has been received "largely with amusement by his Republican colleagues" [Metro, Jan. 21].

In 2007, 18,000 people were prosecuted in Virginia for possessing one ounce or less of marijuana. Passage of Mr. Morgan's measure would spare these thousands of minor marijuana offenders from criminal arrest and incarceration, as well as the emotional and financial hardships that follow -- including the loss of certain jobs and student loans. The measure would also allow the law enforcement and court systems to reallocate resources toward activities that will more effectively target serious criminal behavior and keep the public safe. Click > here < for more.

STATE COURT RULING SHOOTS DOWN MEDICAL MARIJUANA RESTRICTIONS STATE COURT RULING SHOOTS DOWN MEDICAL MARIJUANA RESTRICTIONS   | A unanimous California Supreme Court on Thursday struck down a law that sought to impose limits on the amount of marijuana a medical patient can legally possess, essentially sending Humboldt County's prosecution guidelines, and countless others throughout the state, up in proverbial smoke. The California high court ruled that state lawmakers overstepped their bounds in 2003 when passing Senate Bill 420, which sought to give law enforcement guidelines on when to make marijuana possession arrests by mandating that each patient could have a maximum of eight ounces of dried marijuana. The bill sought to add clarity to 1996's voter-approved Proposition 215, which made it legal for patients to possess and cultivate unspecified amounts of marijuana with a doctor's recommendation.

The case, The People v. Patrick Kelly, adds considerably more gray to an already murky legal area governing medicinal use of the drug, and what constitutes legitimate personal medical consumption. One thing is for sure, according to University of California Hastings School of Law professor David Levine, the ruling will make it much more difficult to prosecute medical marijuana cases. Click > here < for more.

  Legislative Update!  

BID TO LEGALIZE POT ADVANCES US Senate Committee Passes The National Criminal Justice Act   | Earlier this morning the United State’s Senate, Committee on Judiciary, unanimously approved Senate Bill 714, The National Criminal Justice Commission Act of 2009. NORML first blogged about this federal legislation back in November, and encouraged NORML supporters to contact their U.S. Senators in favor of this long-needed reform. Fortunately, many of you did so, and today the Senate Judiciary responded accordingly.

As amended, Senate Bill 714 will establish a `National Criminal Justice Commission’ to hold public hearings and “undertake a comprehensive review of the criminal justice system, including Federal, State, local, and tribal governments’ criminal justice costs, practices, and policies. … The Commission shall make findings regarding such review and recommendations for changes in oversight, policies, practices, and laws designed to prevent, deter, and reduce crime and violence, improve cost-effectiveness, and ensure the interests of justice at every step of the criminal justice system.” It’s been many years since a federally appointed commission has taken an objective look at American criminal justice policies, and it’s been nearly 40 years since federal lawmakers have undertaken a critical examination of U.S. drug policy. As affirmed by the bill’s chief sponsor, Democrat Senator Jim Webb of Virginia: Click > here < for more.

Washington: Lawmakers Vote For Continued Chaos Washington: Lawmakers Vote For “Continued Chaos”   | They say that the will of politicians often lags behind the sentiment of the public. Nowhere is this adage more clear than when it comes to marijuana law reform.

It was business as usual today in Olympia, as lawmakers on the House Committee on Public Safety & Emergency Preparedness voted down a pair of bills aimed at reforming the state’s failed criminal marijuana laws. House Bill 2401 sought to regulate the adult production, use, and distribution of marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol.

House Bill 1177 was much more limited in scope, seeking simply to reclassify minor marijuana possession offenses from a criminal misdemeanor to a fine-only civil infraction. (Note, its Senate companion bill, SB 5615, awaits floor action in the Senate.) This change, known as decriminalization, is already the law in over a dozen states. Click > here < for more.

BID TO LEGALIZE POT ADVANCES BID TO LEGALIZE POT ADVANCES;   Initiative Backers Gather What Is Likely to Be Enough Signatures to Put Their Measure on the California Ballot in November.   | Los Angeles, California, USA: Proponents of an initiative to make California the first state to legalize marijuana have collected about 693,800 signatures, virtually guaranteeing that the measure will appear on a crowded November ballot. "This is a historic first step toward ending cannabis prohibition," said Richard Lee, the measure's main backer.

Advocates, trailed by television cameras and photographers, dropped off petitions with elections officials in the state's largest counties, including Los Angeles, where organizers said 143,105 voters signed. Lee, a successful Oakland marijuana entrepreneur, bankrolled a professional signature-gathering effort that circulated the petition in every county except Alpine, which only has about 800 registered voters. Click > here < for more.

NH House Committee Recommends Study of Bill That Would Tax and Regulate Marijuana NH House Committee Recommends Study of Bill That Would Tax and Regulate Marijuana;   Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee votes 16-2 to consider details of H.B. 1652 before moving bill forward   | CONCORD, N.H. - January 28 - Yesterday, the New Hampshire House of Representatives Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee voted 16-2 to "refer for interim study" H.B. 1652, a bill that would tax and regulate marijuana in a manner similar to alcohol. If the House concurs with this recommendation, the 20-member committee will proceed with a comprehensive study of the proposal. This vote is a promising sign that New Hampshire's lawmakers are willing to seriously discuss the possibility of ending marijuana prohibition in the Granite State.

Previously, a vote to recommend that the bill "ought to pass" failed 8-10. Five Democrats and three Republicans voted in favor. Rep. Shannon Chandley (D-Milford), who voted against the first motion, told her colleagues, "I believe we should decriminalize marijuana," but said she felt the committee should take time to consider all the details of the bill before recommending it to the full House of Representatives. Click > here < for more.

Please Write to US Congress: Ask Them to Sponsor The Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2009!

United States > House Resolution 1866 > Click on the link below to write your Congressional representative and ask him/her to become a co-sponsor of HR 1866, the Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2009. If he/she is a co-sponsor already, you will be able to thank them. Go to - http://w-v-norml.org/hemp.html

What Can I Do?

We can continue to help make progress on state hemp legislation. Bills and resolutions are also advancing in — Hawaii, Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota and Vermont. You can keep track of all state hemp legislation on Vote Hemp's State and overall Hemp Legislation Pages. Go to - http://w-v-norml.org/hemp.html - for links to these and more. And Spread the Word!

HELP! People Needing Medical Cannabis Across America. TAKE ACTION NOW!

This is a chain e-mail you can't refuse. Unlike most, this will actually help you - and a whole buncha others - just by passing it on. Cannabis consumer or not - from the folks just trying to take care of themselves or a loved one to those who simply see the expensive, immoral waste of making war on the sick and dying - everyone is affected by this issue.

There are a number of medical cannabis (marijuana) bills in play in states across the US. We need to get the word out and people contacting reps and officials and get this legislation into law.

To accomplish this you need to click on the following links and send a message to all the reps and media you can on the issue. Then get everybody else to do the same.

To do this you need to tell everybody you know. And can confide in.

Then/or anonymously tell everybody you don't know - or can't confide in. Yet.

Tell everybody you can by e-mailing a link to this website to them and/or printing off the info and handing out where necessary. Also phone call and visit. Take literature with you and approach businesses, organizations and even people on the street while you're out and about. Wear your pot-leaf shirt and register voters, as feasible.

Organize an event or action item to attract people in order to inform, educate and activate. Don't forget to alert the media!

Tell everybody else by Letters-to-the-Editor, displaying signage at street corners and over-passes (wear trenchcoat, fedora and sunglasses if afraid of exposure), and/or anonymously leaving literature and posting on-line at places where people are likely to find it. Coffeeshops are good places to leave printed material and you can go to the websites of the local newspapers to post items as well. More ideas and supporting tools via the links below.

And we're sure you'll come up with more. Exchange notes at the websites provided.

Help medical cannabis in Alabama - click > here

Help medical cannabis in Connecticut - click > here

Help medical cannabis in Illinois - click > here

Help medical cannabis in Minnesota - click > here

Help medical cannabis in Missouri - click > here

Help medical cannabis in New Jersey - click > here

Help medical cannabis in New York - click > here

Help medical cannabis in New Hampshire - click > here

Help medical cannabis in North Carolina - click > here

Help medical cannabis in Pennsylvania - click > here

Help medical cannabis in South Dakota - click > here

Help medical cannabis in Tennessee - click > here

Help medical cannabis in Texas - click > here

This info and and more at NORML’s Legislative Action Alerts page, visit - http://capwiz.com/norml2/issues/

For more info on medical cannabis in America, visit - http://www.mercycenters.org/usa

Thanx! and please give us feedback.

NOTE: SB 676 is just one of the 30-plus legislative items in play this session in the Beaver state. Check it out and let us know what You think.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2011 at 03:53 PM:
charlie from tulsa, oklahoma wrote:
" i suffer from severe back pain i have been taking painkillers for 2 years straight now and would welcome being legally able to take a puff instead of taking opium, im close to 50 years old and pain meds for chronic pain gets very old, legalize it and tax it like a 3rd of the nation is doing, use the money for education, use prisons for violent people, not self medicaters, end prohibition, create more jobs "

Wednesday, May 16th, 2011 at 04:05 PM:
somebody wrote:
"Alternet: ‘The Five Worst States to Get Busted With Pot’ May 16th, 2011 By: Paul Armentano, NORML Deputy Director

Police prosecute over 850,000 Americans annually for violating state marijuana laws. The penalties for those busted and convicted vary greatly, ranging from the imposition of small fines to license revocation to potential incarceration. But for the citizens arrested in these five states, the ramifications of even a minor pot bust are likely to be exceptionally severe. Alternet.org’s editors recently asked me to compile a list of ‘the worst of the worst’ states to be busted for personal pot possession. visit - http://blog.norml.org/2011/05/16/alternet-the-five-worst- states-to-get-busted-with-pot/ "

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