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Info on Initiative 28 as well as any related Issues. Action > Oregon State and the Nation > GOTV. Info on Getting Out The Vote, as well as related Issues and Items.

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Why Get Out The Vote? What is Involved?

Summary: Turnout fof the 2008 Elections is very exciting, and breaking all records. There are still many things we activists and concerned citizens can do, especially down here on the ground, in each of our neighborhoods, schools and workplaces.

Don't pay too much attention to the polls, even if they're on our side at the moment. They change like the weather.   The 'ground game' is what now matters most. So this is a direct appeal to each an every one of you. Get fully engaged. Everything counts in these final days.

Approach the election as an organizer, not just as a voter.   Keep lists of names, make new friends, meet new groups. We'll need them to bring pressure on the White House no matter who is in it.

Details:   Here's the key tasks: GOTV, PTV, CTV

Bring out the new young voters in a big way. But don't ignore our strong base areas among regular voters either. Retirees are breaking our way because of the Wall Street crisis, etc.

--> Get out the vote. Just because people registered, it doesn't mean they go to the polls. This is especially true with youth. Organize 'early voting' parties. Organize a street march or caravan to the polls. Make a list of your 'pluses' and 'run them' all day, checking them off as they vote. Drag out the slackers.

--> Protect the vote. Yes, they do nasty things in some polling places. Volunteer as a poll watcher, or election-day judge. Take a training. Just Do It. Judges even get paid for the day. Make sure the tally in your precinct matches the tally actually turned in at the election board. Raise a stink if it doesn't. Also, counter 'Depress the Vote' tactics which are spreading false information and sending intimidation teams to early voting sites, harassing people. Organize a 'counter-intimidation team.' Face them down, non- violently but resolutely. It works.

--> Claim the vote. If and when we win, let the local incumbents know. If many cases, they didn't do that much. Tell them you'll stay organized for the long term, and not just on elections, but tell them they better stop the damned war, and a lot more. Exercise your newly gained 'clout.' You've earned it.

Remember: Change comes from below, and sprint all the way to the line and through the ribbon.   If you can't or don't want to work independently, then join local campaign or group. Talk with the young people. Educate them, but learn new ideas from them as well. Write it all down for later.

Our primary opposition base, The GOP, have themselves thrown down a uniquely dangerous challenge. They're playing the proto-fascist, rightwing 'populist' strategy, and in a big way.  They're using red-baiting, terrorist-baiting, and anti-Muslim bigotry. They want to demoralize our left and progressive base, deactivate it, and split our base among center voters using false anti-elite, racist and chauvinist demagogy, and so many outright lies even the mainstream media is getting sick of it.

Turn it around.  Unite all the progressives we can, win over all the middle and moderate forces we can, divide the right and then isolate and defeat the worst of their efforts case by case.

We do best sticking to basics.  The economic crisis is hurting Prohibition considerably. We need to oppose the core issues head on, bringing the hard right out from behind its faux populist hiding place and hit it offensively, as against the interests of all workers, all nationalities, and the majority of the people generally.

Urge people to think clearly and hard about who they are and their most pressing circumstances, to vote their interests first, and set aside divisive notions of 'identity' and other issues.  Just link Prohibition to the core causes of the crises, and unmask their anti-people rightism, point by point. Otherwise we have no high ground to counterattack their 'Swiftboating' against us.

A Summary of Work, Ideas for the Future

--> countering the worse Prohibitionist attacks in the mainstream media, working with reporters and editors. Publish Op-Eds and work on backgrounds. Getting out the truth on the sham attacks on Cannabis as Medicine, Hemp for the Future, and the deliberately ignorant tirades against Law Reform from rightwing "hate" radio. Network to put out a terrific series of videos, helping with positive coverage in as many areas as possible.

--> providing on-the-ground leadership in key areas, planning direct interventions and mass rallies. Make good use of any better-known speakers in critical swing areas.

--> add new readers to our sites. Utilize regular lists- Yahoo, Facebook and Goodreads and get quoted and debated everywhere.

If your friends aren't signed on to any lists, still press them to do so. We will make good use of these in the future.   Forward this message to everyone appropriate in your e- mail address books. Tell them they're missing out on something special.   Stay resolute and keep organizing with a laser-like focus on the prize: Ending Cannabis Prohbition!   For more, see Source= "Progressives for Obama; Summary Our Work & Our Urgent Tasks in the Final Days Before the Election", see progressivesforobama.net and progressivesforobama.blogspot.com

... more About GOTV > see Links section this page.

LTL (Letters-To-yer-Legislator) Examples -

NOTEs: Will be posted here.

Here is ...  

Example #1

Will be posted here.

NOTEs on Action Items, Protest and Demo, Examples & Notes

Will be posted here.


Questions?  Comments?   Need some info?   Got some info?   E-Mail us or visit the Bulletin Board for further comments on this Bill -or- to post your own.

Link Summary:

For reference, tools, etc.

  • Index to Bills, Legislators and other Legislative matters Index to Bills, Legislators and other Legislative matters. Your Legislation Station.
  • your ToolShed for Tips, Tools and Tricks ToolShed. Notes, Ideas and Resources. Tips, Tools and Tricks.
  • Registering to vote in Oregon, the details Registering to vote in Oregon, the details.

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