Events > Global Marijuana March
[ Press Release in WORD (doc) | Adobe (PDF) version ]
WHAT: 12th Annual Eugene Global Marijuana March in coordination with 250+ cities around the world.
WHERE: Federal Building, 7th & Pearl.
WHEN: Saturday, May 2, 2015, the Rally begins at Hign Noon. Worldwide, GMM events are held the first
Saturday in May, or thereabouts.
WHY: Because the people deserve to know the truth about marijuana.
WHO: You and everybody you tell and bring.
On Saturday, May 2nd, in Eugene, Oregon, USA, we will Assemble 11:00am at the Federal Building, 7th & Pearl. Rally and March at High Noon. Dan “DanK the Bagman” Koozer has been organizing the Global Marijuana March in Eugene for many years, and will serve as Masters of Ceremonies again this year. See list of Speakers below; Other speakers as well as an “Open Microphone” will finish out the event at about 1:30pm. Please bring all of the available MJ & MMJ rally signs that you can.
Brian Michaels - ACMM member, and a prominent Criminal Defense Lawyer practicing in Oregon with extensive experience in Marijuana cases.
Cheryl Smith - Former Director, Compassion Center, Attorney at Law.
Allan Erickson - not only is one of the top newshawks for the Media Awareness Project (MAP) but is also one of the top LTE writers. MAP started as an email list over a decade and a half ago a major goal has been to empower folks who write letters to the editor in support of drug policy reform.
Andrew Nonnenmacher - Director, Compassion Center, UofO Law School Graduate
Dan Koozer is the other co-organizer of the GMM. He is also a co-founder of the Cannabis Liberation Front in 1996, co-founder of the Emerald Empire HempFest in 2003, co-founder of the Willamette Valley NORML chapter in 2008, and a member of the Board of Directors for the Voter Power Foundation. Further, he is the producer of the weekly TV show "Cannabis TV" - where he makes regular appearances as “DanK the Bagman”. He is also the Chapter President of Willamette Valley NORML and will be the Master of Ceremonies for this years Global Marijuana March. [ Press Release in WORD (doc) | Adobe (PDF) version ] About the GMM The Million Marijuana March is an annual global event celebrating the benefits of cannabis and hemp that takes place, for most participants, on the first Saturday in May. On that day – referred to as Jay Day by some organizers – people in hundreds of cities around the world rally and march in unison for cannabis law reform. A peaceful party to celebrate our gains and to re-energize for the next steps. The main purpose is to raise awareness about the issues, to inform and educate thru the publicity involved. Secondly, we want to register every person there and further empower them by providing whatever is needed to getting them to the voting booth at the right time. Also we want a good show, a nice time for every one - entertaining as well as informative. And, at the same time, we can also raise a little money and fund some projects for the cause - like sponsoring OMMA patients who can't afford a fee or a Hemp Initiative. We pick up steam every day, we gain more sponsor$ and other support each time we talk about it. Also, different groups with related agendas can be represented. We can use this opportunity to stand united as one voice. The GMM is an event that has been going on for somewhere around 25+ years and has years of tradition of which many are unaware. It started as the Yippie! organized "May Day 5th Avenue Pot Pride Parade" in New York City and in 1996 became known as the Million Marijuana March. Even though the event still occurs on the first Saturday in May, it has now established tradition of its own, spreading beyond NYC. The emphasis of the following years events are turning from that street party into a productive political venue that the NAACP and the ACLU would be proud to co-sponsor. We folks in Salem are doing this successfully, we believe. Let's honor our counter-cultural elements, history, heroes and activists, but at the same time be aware that we need to better coordinate our efforts for the maximum politically-positive media spin and potential resulting benefits for our on-going political efforts. Ours are not the minds we need to be concerned with. Its success depends on our ability, each and every one of us, to become a teacher. For more info, try these LINKs >
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