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Register, Vote and Get Everyone you know to Do So Also! Welcome to the index and home page for Willamette Valley NORML NewsLetters Welcome to the 2011 Archive page for Willamette Valley NORML NewsLetters. 

Here you'll find Old Willamette Valley NORML NewsLetters. Be a part of making it happen. While these stories are dated they're still topical and apply today! So, make copies, and distribute anywhere they may do any good - friends, family; local or national media, politicians, anyone who may need to get a clue.
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  News Letters  
Articles. To see them on-line visit the NORML Archive.
DECEMBER (2011) - NORMLs Top Ten Stories for 2011; 'False Alert' Rate For Drug Dogs Tops 80 Percent; Bi-Partisan Group of Governors Call on President Obama to Re-Schedule Marijuana; Hospice Health Professionals Support Legalization Of Cannabis For Therapeutic Use; New York City Finally Sees Reduction in Marijuana Arrests; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1112.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1112.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 1/1/2012
NOVEMBER - Medical Marijuana Legalization Not Associated With Increases In Youth Pot Use, Study Says; Members Of Congress Condemn Obama Administration's Crackdown On Medicinal Cannabis Providers; Survey: Cannabis Use Associated With Reduced Intake Of Prescription Drugs; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1111.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1111.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 12/1/2011
OCTOBER - Gallup: Record Percentage Of Americans Now Support Marijuana Legalization; Department Of Justice Announces Stepped Up Enforcement Efforts Targeting California Medical Cannabis Providers; California: State's Largest Doctor's Association Calls For Legalizing And Regulating Cannabis; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1110.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1110.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 11/1/2011
SEPTEMBER - ATF Seeks Piece Of Pot-War Pie, Bureau Targets Sick and Dying for the Porkbarrelled Boondoggle; Netherlands: Cannabis Coffee-Shops Appear To Minimally Impact Dutch Use Patterns; Marijuana Prosecutions For 2010 Near Record High - Pot Arrests Now More Than Half Of Total Drug Arrests Nationwide; Forced Closure Of Medical Cannabis Dispensaries Associated With Localized Increases In Crime; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1109.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1109.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 10/1/2011
AUGUST - Angus Reid Poll: 55 Percent Of Adults Support Legalizing Marijuana; Israel: Government Officially Recognizes Therapeutic Value Of Cannabis -- Codifies Regulations For Producing, Providing It To Patients; Government Survey: Northeastern States Most Likely To Report Widespread Marijuana Consumption; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1108.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1108.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 9/1/2011
JULY - NAACP Passes Resolution Calling For An End To The 'War On Drugs'; DEA Responds To Nine-Year-Old Marijuana Rescheduling Petition: Maintains That Cannabis Lacks Medical Utility; Philadelphia: City Saves Millions By Ceasing Criminal Marijuana Prosecutions; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1107.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1107.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 8/1/2011
JUNE - Members Of Congress Introduce First Federal Measure Since 1937 To Legalize The Adult Use Of Marijuana -- Bipartisan Coalition Backs The 'Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2011'; THC Administration Halts Disease Progression, Decreases Mortality In Primate Version of Human Immunodeficiency Virus; Over One Million Patients Likely Using Medical Cannabis In California, CA NORML Study Estimates; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1106.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1106.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 7/1/2011
MAY - Cannabis Prohibition “Celebrates” It’s First Century of Lying and Ruining Lives - NORML Acknowledges Centennial Anniversary Of Bad Pot Laws; Advocates File Lawsuit Demanding Federal Government Honestly Assess Medical Value Of Cannabis; SCOTUS: Warrantless Searches Of Homes Acceptable If Police Suspect Drugs Are Being Destroyed; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1105.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1105.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 5/30/2011
APRIL - Marijuana Use Associated With 'Superior' Cognitive Performance In Schizophrenic Patients, Study Says; Washington: Lawmakers Pass Measure To License Medical Cannabis Dispensaries; NORML's 2011 National Conference Takes Place; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1104.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1104.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 4/30/2011
MARCH - Nearly One Out Of Two Americans Back Legalizing Pot, Says Latest Pew Research Poll; Cannabis Significantly Reduces Pain In Randomized Trials, Study Says; New York City: Prosecuting Near-Record Pot Arrests Costs City $75 Million Annually; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1103.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1103.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 3/31/2011
SPECIAL ISSUE - March Madness for Reefer Activist Community As Legislative Session Gets Serious; Some 30 Bills Currently In The Oregon State House And Senate Involving Marijuana. Good Thing They’ve Nothing Better To Do, Eh?; Rally For MMJ - There will be a Rally (11am) about and Hearing (1pm) on HB 2982 on Wednesday, February 23, 2011; And Lets Not Neglect Federal and Other State Items; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_11legis.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_11legis.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 2/21/2011
FEBRUARY - Happy Birthday, NORML! National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws Celebrates 40-Year Anniversary; Marijuana Compounds Hold Promise In Treatment Of Cardiovascular Diseases; Poll: Montanans Oppose Lawmakers' Effort To Repeal Medical Marijuana Law; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1102.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1102.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 2/28/2011
JANUARY (2011) - Marijuana Compound Induces Cell Death In Hard-To-Treat Brain Cancer; Washington: Lawmakers To Debate Measure To Regulate Marijuana Sales For Adults; Bush Holdover Unanimously Confirmed To Head U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, and other News.
WVN_1101.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1101.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 2/4/2011
DECEMBER (2010) - 2010: The Year In Review -- NORML's Top 10 Events That Shaped Marijuana Policy; Arizona: State Issues Draft Regulations For Forthcoming Medical Marijuana Program; New Orleans: City Council Unanimously Votes In Favor Of Depenalizing Pot Possession Offenses and other News.
WVN_1012.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1012.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 1/2/2011
SPECIAL ISSUE - Your Country Needs YOU! to Register, Vote and Get Everybody You Know to Do So Also; and Vote Smart!   Query every candidate running for office - from local dog-catcher to presidential contender - on how they would vote on this issue; A Citizen's Guide to the Oregon State Legislative Process; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_08vote.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_08vote.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 10/1/2008
SPECIAL ISSUE - Cannabis = Medicine, Updated NORML Report Highlights The Role Of Pot In Moderating Disease Progression -- ‘Emerging Clinical Applications’ Booklet Reviews Nearly 200 Studies On Therapeutic Use Of Marijuana; Teen Pot Use Falling in States With Medical Marijuana Laws; US Investigators Praise Cannabinoids As Chemo Treatment; and other Medical Cannabis News.
WVN_08med.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_08med.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 10/1/2008

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