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Here you'll find Old Willamette Valley NORML NewsLetters. Be a part of making it happen. While these stories are dated they're still topical and apply today! So, make copies, and distribute anywhere they may do any good - friends, family; local or national media, politicians, anyone who may need to get a clue.
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  News Letters  
Articles. To see them on-line visit the NORML Archive.
DECEMBER - 2013: The Year In Review - NORML's Top 10 Events That Shaped Marijuana Policy; Uruguay: Lawmakers Authorize Marijuana Production And Sales; Study: Cannabidiol Holds Promise For Treating Psychosis; Study: Cannabis Use Unlikely To Cause Schizophrenia; Indiana: Majority Of Adults Support Regulating Cannabis Like Alcohol; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1312.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1312.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 1/7/2014
NOVEMBER - NORML Argues State Prosecutors Can’t Justify Police Searches Based on Smell; Autistic Teen Tricked into Buying Weed for Undercover Cop; Oregon Group Works on Rules for Industrial Hemp; Denver City Council Seeks to Restrict The Number of Marijuana Plants Per Household; Courts, US Public at Odds Over Worker Firings; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1311.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1311.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 12/12/2013
OCTOBER - Study: Marijuana Less Likely To Elevate Vehicle Crash Risk As Compared To Other Substances; Maine and Michigan Voters To Decide On Marijuana Measures; Study: Illicit Drugs Cheaper And More Prevalent Despite Increased Legal Sanctions; Israel: Economic Assessment Says Legalizing Cannabis Will Boost Revenue; Gallup: Nationwide Support For Legalizing Marijuana At Record Levels; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1310.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1310.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 11/11/2013
SEPTEMBER - Feds Reaffirm That They Will Not Likely Challenge State Legalization Laws; DEA: Marijuana Plant Seizures Decline To Lowest Levels In Nearly A Decade; Annual Total Of Marijuana Arrests Holds Steady In 2012; Study: Cannabis Consumption Plays Little Role In Global Disease Burden; 25 Years Ago: DEA's Own Administrative Law Judge Ruled Cannabis Should Be Reclassified Under Federal Law; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1309.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1309.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 10/5/2013
AUGUST - Study: Passage of Medical Marijuana Laws Associated With Reduced Incidences Of Alcohol-Related Traffic Fatalities; Marijuana Sales Finally Underway In Nation's Capital; Comptroller's Office: Legalizing Marijuana In NYC Would Yield $431 Million Annually In Savings And Revenue; Justice Department Says It Won't Challenge State Laws Permitting Marijuana Legalization And Sales; Canada: Nation's Police Chiefs Endorse Plan To Cite, But Not Arrest, Minor Marijuana Offenders; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1308.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1308.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 9/5/2013
JULY - Federal Drug Agency Denies Marijuana Is Less Toxic Than Alcohol; Study: Marijuana Smoking Poses "Relatively Small" Risk To Lungs, Associated With Far Fewer Adverse Effects Than Tobacco; Maine: Portland Voters To Decide This Fall On Marijuana Depenalization Measure; Oregon: Lawmakers Approve Measure To License Medical Marijuana Dispensaries; National Lawyers Guild Calls For Ending Marijuana Prohibition; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1307.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1307.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 8/15/2013
JUNE - Michigan: Supreme Court Rules That Medical Marijuana Act Exempts Patients From Zero Tolerance Per Se Driving Law; Annual Emerald Empire HempFest Happens in Eugene; 2013 Oregon Cannabis Law Reform Session Ends Well; Mayors Nationwide Urge Feds To Stop Interfering In States' Marijuana Laws; Colorado Governor Signs Legislation Authorizing Retail Cannabis Production And Sales; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1306.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1306.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 7/15/2013
MAY - DEA Rehires "Con Man Extraordinaire" and Admitted Multiple Perjurer as Paid Informant; 70 Drug Warriors Raid 4 OR MMJ Orgs - While 911 Dispatcher Tells Woman About To Be Sexually Assaulted There Are No Cops To Help Her Due To Budget Cuts; Poll: Half Of Younger Christians Back Legalizing Marijuana, Most Americans Don't View Plant's Use As A Sin; Colorado: Lawmakers Approve First-In-The-Nation Regulations Governing Retail Marijuana Production And Sales; Survey: Most Americans Back Industrial Hemp Cultivation; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1305.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1305.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 6/1/2013
APRIL - Federal Lawmakers Call For A Presidential Commission To Review US Marijuana Policies; Poll: Majority Of Adults Endorse Regulating Marijuana Like Alcohol; Supreme Court: Noncitizens Do Not Face Mandatory Deportation For Minor Marijuana Violations; Federal Lawmakers Introduce Measure To Respect State Marijuana Laws; US Supreme Court Limits Warrantless Use Of Drug Sniffing Dogs; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1304.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1304.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 5/15/2013
MARCH - Study: At Home Marijuana Gardens Not Associated With Adverse Health Effects Among Children; US Attorney General Says Administration Intends To Respond "Relatively Soon" To Statewide Cannabis Legalization Votes; United Nations: Three-Quarters Of World's Illicit Drug Users Consume Cannabis; Study: Cannabis Smoking Associated With "Significantly Better" Health Outcomes Than Tobacco Smoking; New York City: Cops Spent One Million Hours In Staff Time Making Marijuana Possession Arrests; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1303.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1303.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 4/15/2013
FEBRUARY - Members Of Congress Introduce Measures To Legalize Marijuana, Regulate Sales; Industrial Hemp Farming Legislation Reintroduced In Congress; Medical Cannabis Protection Measures Reintroduced In Congress; Czech Republic Legalizes Cannabis For Medicinal Consumption; Michigan: Court Rules That Cannabis Dispensaries Are Not Permitted Under State's Medical Marijuana Act; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1302.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1302.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 3/1/2013
JANUARY - Obama Administration: "We're In The Midst Of A Serious National Conversation On Marijuana"; Study: Depenalizing Drug Possession Offenses Associated With Lower Drug Consumption Rates Among Young People; Study: Imposition Of Per Se Limits For Drugs Don't Reduce Traffic Deaths; Study: Cannabis Retail Outlets Not Associated With Rise In Cannabis Use; Michigan: Municipalities Ignoring Voters' Will Regarding Marijuana Liberalization Measures; and other Cannabis Law Reform News.
WVN_1301.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_1301.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 2/1/2013
SPECIAL ISSUE - Cannabis = Medicine, Updated NORML Report Highlights The Role Of Pot In Moderating Disease Progression -- ‘Emerging Clinical Applications’ Booklet Reviews Nearly 200 Studies On Therapeutic Use Of Marijuana; Teen Pot Use Falling in States With Medical Marijuana Laws; US Investigators Praise Cannabinoids As Chemo Treatment; and other Medical Cannabis News.
WVN_08med.doc (WORD v8.0)
WVN_08med.pdf (Adobe)
Pub Date: 10/1/2008

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