Oregon State > Initiative 28 >
is Sponsored by Voter Power
-- Relating to Dispensaries.
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Oregon State > House Bill 2009 >
Ordered printed by the Speaker pursuant to House Rule 12.00A (5). Presession filed (at the request of House Interim Committee on Health Care)
-- Relating to health care; appropriating money; prescribing an effective date; providing for revenue raising that requires approval by a three-fifths majority.
Establishes Oregon Health Authority Board and Oregon Health
Authority and specifies duties, functions and powers. Transfers
health { - and health insurance - } functions to authority
from Department of Human Services { - and Department of
Consumer and Business Services - } .
Creates Quality Care Institute { - and Oregon Health
Insurance Exchange - } in Oregon Health Authority. { + Directs
authority to develop and submit to Legislative Assembly for
approval Oregon Health Insurance Exchange plan.
Expands eligibility for medical assistance. + } Requires
authority to implement premium assistance program. Requires
{ - authority to streamline - } { + Department of Human
Services to implement streamlined and simple + } application
process for medical assistance and premium assistance programs.
Requires authority to increase reimbursement rates for health
services providers participating in medical assistance
{ - programs - } { + program + }. Requires authority to
conduct outreach for and marketing of medical assistance and
premium assistance programs.
Creates tax on health insurance and managed care plans. Sets
fixed rate for hospital assessment and removes sunset.
{ - Creates new cigarette tax. - } Establishes Oregon Health
Authority Fund. Deposits moneys from taxes and assessments into
fund. Continuously appropriates moneys in fund to authority for
purpose of carrying out functions of authority.
Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Relating to health care; creating new provisions; amending ORS 25.323, 65.800, 107.092, 127.646, 192.410, 192.502, 192. 75th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2009 Regular Session NOTE: Matter within braces and plus ...
SECTION 93. ORS 135.917 is amended to read:
135.917. (1) Courts having jurisdiction over the offense of
possession of less than one ounce of marijuana shall designate
agencies or organizations to perform the diagnostic assessment
and treatment required under possession of marijuana diversion
agreements described in ORS 135.907. The designated agencies or
organizations must meet the standards set by the { - Department
of Human Services - } { + Oregon Health Authority + } to
perform the diagnostic assessment and treatment of drug
dependency and must be certified by the { - Department of Human
Services - } { + authority + }. Wherever possible, a court
shall designate agencies or organizations to perform the
diagnostic assessment that are separate from those that may be
designated to carry out a program of treatment for drug
{ - (3) - } { + (4) + } 'Delivery' has the meaning given that term in ORS 475.005. 'Delivery' does not include transfer of marijuana by a registry identification cardholder to another registry identification cardholder if no consideration is paid for the transfer.
(6) 'Marijuana' has the meaning given that term in ORS 475.005.
(7) 'Marijuana grow site' means a location where marijuana is
produced for use by a registry identification cardholder and that
is registered under the provisions of ORS 475.304.
(8) 'Medical use of marijuana' means the production,
possession, delivery, or administration of marijuana, or
paraphernalia used to administer marijuana, as necessary for the
exclusive benefit of a person to mitigate the symptoms or effects
of the person's debilitating medical condition.
(9) 'Production' has the meaning given that term in ORS
(10) 'Registry identification card' means a document issued by
the { - department - } { + authority + } that identifies a
person authorized to engage in the medical use of marijuana and
the person's designated primary caregiver, if any.
(11) 'Usable marijuana' means the dried leaves and flowers of
the plant Cannabis family Moraceae, and any mixture or
preparation thereof, that are appropriate for medical use as
allowed in ORS 475.300 to 475.346. 'Usable marijuana' does not
include the seeds, stalks and roots of the plant.
01/12 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
01/12 (H) Referred to Health Care with subsequent referral to Revenue, then Ways and Means.
01/26 (H) Public Hearing held.
01/28 (H) Public Hearing held.
02/04 (H) Public Hearing held.
02/09 (H) Public Hearing held.
02/11 (H) Public Hearing held.
02/23 (H) Public Hearing held.
02/27 (H) Work Session held.
03/04 (H) Work Session held.
03/13 (H) Work Session held.
03/16 (H) Work Session held.
03/18 (H) Work Session held.
03/20 (H) Work Session held.
03/25 (H) Work Session held.
03/30 (H) Work Session held.
04/08 (H) Work Session held.
04/09 (H) Without recommendation as to passage, with amendments, be printed A-Engrossed, and be rereferred to Health Care.
04/09 (H) Rereferred to Health Care by order of Speaker.
04/13 (H) Work Session scheduled.
04/14 (H) Work Session scheduled.
04/15 (H) Work Session scheduled.
04/17 (H) Work Session scheduled.
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Oregon State > House Bill 2203 >
Ordered by the Speaker (at the request of Governor Theodore R. Kulongoski for Employment Department)
-- Relating to unemployment insurance.
> Provides that in case of conflict between provision of Employment Department Law and other provision of state law, Employment Department Law controls.
> Limits employment that will end individual's disqualification from receipt of unemployment benefits to employment subject to Employment Department Law or equivalent law in another state or Canada, employment required to be covered under Federal Unemployment Tax Act and employment by federal government.
Relating to unemployment insurance; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 657.176 and ...
657.265. 75th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY -- 2009 Regular Session NOTE: Matter within { braces and plus signs + } in an ...
(b)(A) Except as provided in subparagraph (B) of this
paragraph, an individual is not considered to have committed a
disqualifying act under this subsection if the individual, on the
date of separation or within 10 days after the date of
separation, is participating in a recognized drug or alcohol
rehabilitation program and provides documentation of
participation in the program to the department.
(B) This paragraph does not apply to an individual who has
refused to enter into or has violated the terms of a last chance
agreement with the employer.
(c) It is no defense or excuse under this section that the
individual's separation resulted from alcohol use, Marijuana use,
unlawful drug use, alcoholism or drug addiction.
(c) 'Last chance agreement' means a reasonable agreement:
(A) Between an employer and an employee who has violated the
employer's reasonable written policy, has engaged in drug or
alcohol use connected with work or has admitted to alcohol abuse,
Marijuana use or unlawful drug use; and
(B) That permits the employee to return to work under
conditions that may require the employee to:
(i) Abstain from alcohol use, Marijuana use and unlawful drug
use; and
(ii) Attend and comply with the requirements of a
rehabilitation or education program acceptable to the employer.
(d) An individual is 'under the influence of intoxicants ' when
the level of alcohol, Marijuana or unlawful drugs present in the
individual's body exceeds the amount prescribed in a collective
bargaining agreement, or the amount prescribed in the employer's
reasonable written policy if there is no applicable collective
bargaining agreement provision.
01/15 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
01/22 (H) Referred to Business and Labor.
01/28 (H) Public Hearing held.
02/25 (H) Work Session held.
03/03 (H) Recommendation: Do pass with amendments, be printed A-Engrossed, and be placed on Consent Calendar.
03/05 (H) Second reading.
03/09 (H) Read third time under Consent Calendar. Passed. Ayes, 60.
03/10 (S) First reading. Referred to President's desk.
03/17 (S) Referred to Commerce and Workforce Development.
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Oregon State > House Bill 2313 >
Ordered printed by the Speaker pursuant to House Rule 12.00A (5). Presession filed (at the request of House Interim Committee on Judiciary for Oregon State Bar Real Estate Land Use Section)
-- Relating to definitions of legal entities.
> Deletes references to trusts, estates, trustees, personal representatives and executors from certain statutory definitions of 'person' and 'entity. '
Relating to definitions of legal entities; amending ORS 24. 75th OREGON LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY--2009 Regular Session NOTE: Matter within { braces and plus signs + }in an amended section is new. Matter within { ...
SECTION 39. ORS 475.005 is amended to read: 475.005. As used in ORS 475.005 to 475.285 and 475.840 to 475.980, unless the context requires otherwise:
(16) 'Marijuana' means all parts of the plant Cannabis family Moraceae, whether growing or not; the resin extracted from any part of the plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the plant or its resin. It does not include the mature stalks of the plant, fiber produced from the stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds of the plant, any other compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the mature stalks (except the resin extracted therefrom), fiber, oil, or cake, or the sterilized seed of the plant which is incapable of germination.
01/12 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
01/12 (H) Referred to Judiciary.
01/27 (H) Public Hearing held.
03/31 (H) Work Session held.
04/20 (H) Work Session scheduled.
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Oregon State > House Bill 2314 >
Ordered printed by the Speaker (at the request of House Interim Committee on Judiciary for Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association)
-- Relating to felons.
> Modifies certain crimes predicated on person's status as felon.
Relating to felons; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 166.250, 166.270 and 475.900.
... b) The offense was possession of Marijuana and the conviction was prior to January 1, 1972. ... the court declares to be a misdemeanor; or (B) For possession of Marijuana prior to January 1, 1972. (b) 'Possesses' means to have physical possession ...
(2) { + A person commits the crime of possession of a
restricted weapon if the person:
(a) Has been convicted of a felony; and
(b) Carries a dirk, dagger or stiletto, or possesses a weapon
described in subsection (3) of this section, while knowing that
the person has been convicted of a felony. + } { - Any person
who has been convicted of a felony under the law of this state or
any other state, or who has been convicted of a felony under the
laws of the Government of the United States, who owns or has in
the person's possession or under the person's custody or
control - }
{ + (3) Subsection (2) of this section applies to:
(a) + } { - Any - } { + An + } instrument or weapon having
a blade that projects or swings into position by force of a
spring or by centrifugal force { + ; + } or
{ + (b) + } { - Any - } { + A + } blackjack, slungshot,
sandclub, sandbag, sap glove or metal knuckles { - , or who
carries a dirk, dagger or stiletto, commits the crime of felon in
possession of a restricted weapon - } .
{ - (3) For the purposes of this section, a person 'has been
convicted of a felony' if, at the time of conviction for an
offense, that offense was a felony under the law of the
jurisdiction in which it was committed. Such conviction shall not
be deemed a conviction of a felony if: - }
{ - (a) The court declared the conviction to be a misdemeanor
at the time of judgment; or - }
{ - (b) The offense was possession of Marijuana and the
conviction was prior to January 1, 1972. - }
(a) 'Has been convicted of a felony' means that a person has
been convicted of an offense that, at the time of the conviction,
was a felony under the law of the jurisdiction in which it was
committed. 'Has been convicted of a felony' does not include a
(A) That the court declares to be a misdemeanor; or
(B) For possession of Marijuana prior to January 1, 1972.
(D) One hundred grams or more of a mixture or substance
containing a detectable amount of hashish;
(E) One hundred and fifty grams or more of a mixture or
substance containing a detectable amount of Marijuana;
(b) The violation constitutes possession, delivery or
manufacture of a controlled substance and the possession,
delivery or manufacture is a commercial drug offense. A
possession, delivery or manufacture is a commercial drug offense
for purposes of this subsection if it is accompanied by at least
three of the following factors:
(A) The delivery was of heroin, cocaine, hashish, Marijuana,
methamphetamine, lysergic acid diethylamide, psilocybin or
psilocin and was for consideration;
(iv) Eight grams or more of a mixture or substance containing a
detectable amount of hashish;
(v) One hundred ten grams or more of a mixture or substance
containing a detectable amount of Marijuana;
(D) One hundred grams or more of a mixture or substance
containing a detectable amount of hashish;
(E) One hundred fifty grams or more of a mixture or substance
containing a detectable amount of Marijuana;
01/12 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
01/12 (H) Referred to Judiciary.
02/24 (H) Public Hearing held.
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Oregon State > House Bill 2318 >
Ordered printed by the Speaker pursuant to House Rule 12.00A (5). Presession filed (at the request of House Interim Committee on Judiciary)
> Allows person arrested for state or municipal traffic offense to have arrest record expunged in certain circumstances.
Relating to traffic offenses; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 137.225.
... would constitute child abuse, as defined in ORS 419B.005, or any sex crime. (b) The crime of possession of the narcotic drug marijuana when that crime was punishable as a felony only. (c) A crime punishable as either a felony or a misdemeanor, in the discretion ...
(5) The provisions of subsection (1)(a) of this section apply
to a conviction of:
(a) A Class C felony, except for criminal mistreatment in the
first degree under ORS 163.205 when it would constitute child
abuse, as defined in ORS 419B.005, or any sex crime.
(b) The crime of possession of the narcotic drug marijuana when
that crime was punishable as a felony only.
01/12 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
01/12 (H) Referred to Judiciary.
01/28 (H) Public Hearing held.
03/02 (H) Work Session held.
03/04 (H) Recommendation: Do pass.
03/05 (H) Second reading.
03/09 (H) Third reading. Carried by Olson. Passed. Ayes, 60.
03/10 (S) First reading. Referred to President's desk.
03/17 (S) Referred to Judiciary.
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Oregon State > House Bill 2328 >
Ordered printed by the Speaker (at the request of House Interim Committee on Judiciary for Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association)
-- Relating to traffic arrests.
> Allows person arrested for state or municipal traffic offense to have arrest record expunged in certain circumstances.
Relating to traffic arrests; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 137.225.
... would constitute child abuse, as defined in ORS 419B.005, or any sex crime. (b) The crime of possession of the narcotic drug Marijuana when that crime was punishable as a felony only. (c) A crime punishable as either a felony or a misdemeanor, in the discretion ...
(5) The provisions of subsection (1)(a) of this section apply
to a conviction of:
(a) A Class C felony, except for criminal mistreatment in the
first degree under ORS 163.205 when it would constitute child
abuse, as defined in ORS 419B.005, or any sex crime.
(b) The crime of possession of the narcotic drug Marijuana when
that crime was punishable as a felony only.
01/12 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
01/16 (H) Referred to Judiciary.
01/28 (H) Public Hearing held.
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Oregon State > House Bill 2329 >
Ordered printed by the Speaker (at the request of House Interim Committee on Judiciary for Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association)
-- Relating to endangering the welfare of a minor.
> Modifies crime of endangering welfare of minor.
Relating to endangering the welfare of a minor; creating new provisions; and amending ORS ...
... under 18 years of age any device in which tobacco, Marijuana, cocaine or any controlled substance, as defined in ORS 475.005 ... of which is directly or indirectly to deliver tobacco smoke, Marijuana smoke, cocaine smoke or smoke from any controlled substance into ...
SECTION 1. ORS 163.575 is amended to read:
163.575. (1) A person commits the crime of endangering the
welfare of a minor if the person knowingly:
(e) Sells to a person under 18 years of age any device in which
tobacco, Marijuana, cocaine or any controlled substance, as
defined in ORS 475.005, is burned and the principal design and
use of which is directly or indirectly to deliver tobacco smoke,
Marijuana smoke, cocaine smoke or smoke from any controlled
substance into the human body including but not limited to:
(A) Pipes, water pipes, hookahs, wooden pipes, carburetor
pipes, electric pipes, air driven pipes, corncob pipes,
meerschaum pipes and ceramic pipes, with or without screens,
permanent screens, hashish heads or punctured metal bowls;
01/12 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
01/16 (H) Referred to Judiciary.
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Oregon State > House Bill 2330 >
House Bill 2330 Ordered printed by the Speaker (at the request of House Interim Committee on Judiciary for Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association)
-- Relating to felons.
> Applies defense to crime of felon in possession of firearm to certain other crimes predicated on person's status as felon.
Relating to felons; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 166.260, 166.270 and 166.470.
... if: (a) The court declared the conviction to be a misdemeanor at the time of judgment; or (b) The offense was possession of Marijuana and the conviction was prior to January 1, 1972. (4) ...
(3) For the purposes of this section, a person 'has been
convicted of a felony' if, at the time of conviction for an
offense, that offense was a felony under the law of the
jurisdiction in which it was committed. Such conviction shall not
be deemed a conviction of a felony if:
(a) The court declared the conviction to be a misdemeanor at
the time of judgment; or
(b) The offense was possession of Marijuana and the conviction
was prior to January 1, 1972.
01/12 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
01/16 (H) Referred to Judiciary.
02/24 (H) Public Hearing held.
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Oregon State > House Bill 2341 >
Ordered printed by the Speaker (at the request of House Interim Committee on Judiciary)
-- Relating to Marijuana.
> Modifies definition of marijuana for purposes of controlled substances laws.
Relating to Marijuana; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 167.222, 475.005, 475.302, ...
... Relating to Marijuana; creating new provisions; and amending ... introduced. Modifies definition of Marijuana for purposes of controlled substances ...
Relating to Marijuana; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 167.222, 475.005, 475.302, 475.860 and 475.864.
(16) 'Marijuana' means all parts of the plant Cannabis family
Moraceae { + or of the plant Cannabis family Cannabaceae + },
whether growing or not; the resin extracted from any part of the
plant; and every compound, manufacture, salt, derivative,
mixture, or preparation of the plant or its resin. It does not
include the mature stalks of the plant, fiber produced from the
stalks, oil or cake made from the seeds of the plant, any other
compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation
of the mature stalks (except the resin extracted therefrom),
fiber, oil, or cake, or the sterilized seed of the plant which is
incapable of germination.
(3) 'Delivery' has the meaning given that term in ORS 475.005.
'Delivery' does not include transfer of Marijuana by a registry
identification cardholder to another registry identification
cardholder if no consideration is paid for the transfer.
(6) 'Marijuana' has the meaning given that term in ORS 475.005.
(7) 'Marijuana grow site' means a location where Marijuana is
produced for use by a registry identification cardholder and that
is registered under the provisions of ORS 475.304.
(8) 'Medical use of Marijuana' means the production,
possession, delivery, or administration of Marijuana, or
paraphernalia used to administer Marijuana, as necessary for the
exclusive benefit of a person to mitigate the symptoms or effects
of the person's debilitating medical condition.
(9) 'Production' has the meaning given that term in ORS
(10) 'Registry identification card' means a document issued by
the department that identifies a person authorized to engage in
the medical use of Marijuana and the person's designated primary
caregiver, if any.
(11) 'Usable Marijuana' means the dried leaves and flowers of
the plant Cannabis family Moraceae { + or of the plant Cannabis
family Cannabaceae + }, and any mixture or preparation thereof,
that are appropriate for medical use as allowed in ORS 475.300 to
475.346. 'Usable Marijuana' does not include the seeds, stalks
and roots of the plant.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2) of this section, if the
conviction is for knowingly maintaining, frequenting or remaining
at a place where less than one avoirdupois ounce of the dried
leaves, stems, and flowers of the { + Marijuana + } plant
{ - Cannabis family Moraceae - } is found at the time of the
offense under this section, frequenting a place where controlled
substances are used is a Class D violation.
(4) As used in this section { - , - } { + :
(a) + } 'Frequents' means repeatedly or habitually visits, goes
to or resorts to.
{ + (b) 'Marijuana plant' means the plant Cannabis family
Moraceae or the plant Cannabis family Cannabaceae. + }
SECTION 4. ORS 475.860 is amended to read:
475.860. (1) It is unlawful for any person to deliver
(2) Unlawful delivery of Marijuana is a Class B felony if the
delivery is for consideration.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2) of this section, unlawful
delivery of Marijuana is a:
(a) Class A misdemeanor, if the delivery is for no
consideration and consists of less than one avoirdupois ounce of
the dried leaves, stems and flowers of the { + Marijuana + }
{ - Cannabis family Moraceae - } ; or
(b) Violation, if the delivery is for no consideration and
consists of less than five grams of the dried leaves, stems and
flowers of the { + Marijuana + } plant { - Cannabis family
Moraceae - } . A violation under this paragraph is punishable by
a fine of not less than $500 and not more than $1,000. Fines
collected under this paragraph shall be forwarded to the
Department of Revenue for deposit in the Criminal Fine and
Assessment Account established in ORS 137.300.
(4) Notwithstanding subsections (2) and (3) of this section,
unlawful delivery of Marijuana is a:
(a) Class A felony, if the delivery is to a person under 18
years of age and the defendant is at least 18 years of age and is
at least three years older than the person to whom the Marijuana
is delivered; or
(b) Class C misdemeanor, if the delivery:
(A) Is for no consideration;
(B) Consists of less than five grams of the dried leaves, stems
and flowers of the { + Marijuana + } plant { - Cannabis family
Moraceae - } ;
(C) Takes place in a public place, as defined in ORS 161.015,
that is within 1,000 feet of the real property comprising a
public or private elementary, secondary or career school attended
primarily by minors; and
(D) Is to a person who is 18 years of age or older.
{ + (5) As used in this section, 'Marijuana plant' has the
meaning given that term in ORS 167.222. + }
SECTION 5. ORS 475.864 is amended to read:
475.864. (1) It is unlawful for any person knowingly or
intentionally to possess Marijuana.
(2) Unlawful possession of Marijuana is a Class B felony.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2) of this section, unlawful
possession of Marijuana is a violation if the amount possessed is
less than one avoirdupois ounce of the dried leaves, stems and
flowers of the { + Marijuana + } plant { - Cannabis family
Moraceae - } . A violation under this subsection is punishable by
a fine of not less than $500 and not more than $1,000. Fines
collected under this subsection shall be forwarded to the
Department of Revenue for deposit in the Criminal Fine and
Assessment Account established under ORS 137.300.
(4) Notwithstanding subsections (2) and (3) of this section,
unlawful possession of Marijuana is a Class C misdemeanor if the
amount possessed is less than one avoirdupois ounce of the dried
leaves, stems and flowers of the { + Marijuana + } plant
{ - Cannabis family Moraceae - } and the possession takes place
in a public place, as defined in ORS 161.015, that is within
1,000 feet of the real property comprising a public or private
elementary, secondary or career school attended primarily by
{ + (5) As used in this section, 'Marijuana plant' has the
meaning given that term in ORS 167.222. + }
SECTION 6. { + The amendments to ORS 167.222, 475.005,
475.302, 475.860 and 475.864 by sections 1 to 5 of this 2009 Act
apply to conduct occurring on or after the effective date of this
2009 Act. + }
01/12 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
01/16 (H) Referred to Judiciary.
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Oregon State > House Bill 2356 >
Ordered printed by the Speaker pursuant to House Rule 12.00A (5). Presession filed (at the request of House Interim Committee on Judiciary for Oregon District Attorneys' Association)
-- Relating to Expunction.
> Modifies circumstances under which person may expunge criminal arrests and convictions.
> Renames order setting aside conviction as order expunging conviction.
Relating to expunction; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 40.355, 137.225, 137.281, ...
... b) The crime of possession of the narcotic drug marijuana when that crime was punishable as a felony only. (c) A crime punishable as either ...
(5) The provisions of subsection (1)(a) of this section apply
to a conviction of:
(a) A Class C felony { - , except for criminal mistreatment in
the first degree under ORS 163.205 when it would constitute child
abuse, as defined in ORS 419B.005, or any sex crime - } .
(b) The crime of possession of the narcotic drug marijuana when
that crime was punishable as a felony only.
01/12 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
01/15 (H) Referred to Judiciary with subsequent referral to Ways and Means.
02/05 (H) Public Hearing held.
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text <
Oregon State > House Bill 2497 >
Sponsored by Representative SCHAUFLER
-- Relating to employment.
> Expands ability of employer to prohibit use of medical marijuana in workplace.
Relating to employment; amending ORS 475.340.
... introduced. Expands ability of employer to prohibit use of medical Marijuana in workplace. A BILL FOR AN ACT ... a person for costs associated with the medical use of Marijuana { - ; or - } { + . + } (2) ...
SECTION 1. ORS 475.340 is amended to read:
475.340. Nothing in ORS 475.300 to 475.346 shall be construed
to { - require - } :
(1) { + Require + } a government medical assistance program or
private health insurer to reimburse a person for costs associated
with the medical use of Marijuana { - ; or - } { + . + }
(2) { + Require + } an employer to { + : + }
{ + (a) + } Accommodate the medical use of Marijuana in any
workplace { + regardless of where the use occurs;
(b) Allow an employee or independent contractor to possess, to
consume or to be impaired by the use of Marijuana during working
hours; or
(c) Allow any person who is impaired by the use of Marijuana to
remain in the workplace.
(3) Preclude or restrict an employer from establishing or
enforcing a policy to achieve or maintain a drug-free
workforce + }.
01/29 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
02/04 (H) Referred to Business and Labor.
03/18 (H) Public Hearing held.
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Oregon State > House Bill 2503 >
Sponsored by Representative BUCKLEY
-- Relating to medical Marijuana in the workplace.
> Prohibits discrimination in employment under certain circumstances if discrimination is based on person's status as medical Marijuana registry cardholder or use of medical marijuana off property or premises of employment or during hours that are not hours of employment.
> Makes such discrimination unlawful employment practice. Allows employers to discipline employees who use medical marijuana on property or premises or during hours of employment.
Relating to medical Marijuana in the workplace; creating new provisions; and amending ORS ...
... person's status as medical Marijuana registry cardholder or use of medical Marijuana off property or premises of ...
Relating to medical Marijuana in the workplace; creating new
provisions; and amending ORS 475.340.
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
SECTION 1. ORS 475.340 is amended to read:
475.340. Nothing in ORS 475.300 to 475.346 shall be construed
to require:
(1) A government medical assistance program or private health
insurer to reimburse a person for costs associated with the
medical use of Marijuana; or
(2) An employer to accommodate the medical use of Marijuana
{ - in any workplace - } { + on the property or premises of
any place employment or during hours of employment except as
provided in section 3 of this 2009 Act + }.
SECTION 3. { + (1) It is unlawful for an employer to
discriminate against a person in hiring, termination or any term
or condition of employment or otherwise penalize a person if the
discrimination is based on:
(a) The status of the person as a registry identification
cardholder; or
(b) A positive drug test for Marijuana if the person is a
registry identification cardholder and the medical use of
Marijuana does not occur on the property or premises of the place
of employment or during the hours of employment.
(2) The prohibition established by this section does not apply
to an person employed in a safety-sensitive position. As used in
this section, 'safety-sensitive position' means a position in
(a) The medical use of Marijuana could affect the performance
of the employee and endanger the health and safety of others;
(4) Nothing in this section prohibits an employer from
terminating the employment of, or taking other corrective action
against, an employee who is impaired on the property or premises
of the place of employment or during the hours of employment,
because of the medical use of Marijuana. + }
01/29 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
02/04 (H) Referred to Business and Labor.
03/18 (H) Public Hearing held.
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Oregon State > House Bill 2536 >
Sponsored by COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY (at the request of City of Medford, Oregon Association Chiefs of Police)
-- Relating to crime.
> Expands robbery in first degree to include use of look-alike firearm.
> Expands disorderly conduct in first degree to include delivery of unidentified substance with threatening message.
> Expands felon in possession of restricted weapon to include taser and pepper spray.
Relating to crime; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 164.415, 166.023 and 166.270.
... if: (a) The court declared the conviction to be a misdemeanor at the time of judgment; or (b) The offense was possession of Marijuana and the conviction was prior to January 1, 1972. (4) Subsection (1) of this section does not apply to ...
(3) For the purposes of this section, a person 'has been
convicted of a felony' if, at the time of conviction for an
offense, that offense was a felony under the law of the
jurisdiction in which it was committed. { - Such conviction
shall not be deemed - } { + For the purposes of this section, a
conviction is not + } a conviction of a felony if:
(a) The court declared the conviction to be a misdemeanor at
the time of judgment; or
(b) The offense was possession of Marijuana and the conviction
was prior to January 1, 1972.
02/03 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
02/10 (H) Referred to Judiciary.
03/04 (H) Public Hearing held.
03/17 (H) Work Session held.
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Oregon State > House Bill 2635 >
-- Relating to drug tests for public officials.
> Requires that certain public officials submit to drug test two times every calendar year.
> Specifies consequences of refusing or failing test.
Relating to drug tests for public officials.
... of this 2009 Act if the test indicates that the person has used Marijuana, without regard to whether the person is authorized to engage in the medical ... to whether the person is authorized to engage in the medical use of Marijuana under ORS 475.300 to 475.346. ...
SECTION 7. { + A person serving as a public official listed in
section 2 of this 2009 Act fails a drug test for the purposes of
sections 1 to 7 of this 2009 Act if the test indicates that the
person has used Marijuana, without regard to whether the person
is authorized to engage in the medical use of Marijuana under ORS
475.300 to 475.346. + }
02/10 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
02/12 (H) Referred to Rules.
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Oregon State > House Bill 2796 >
-- Relating to motions to set aside.
> Prohibits setting aside arrest for or conviction of criminally negligent homicide.
Relating to motions to set aside; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 137.225.
... would constitute child abuse, as defined in ORS 419B.005, or any sex crime. (b) The crime of possession of the narcotic drug Marijuana when that crime was punishable as a felony only. (c) A crime punishable as either a felony or a misdemeanor, in the discretion ...
(5) The provisions of subsection (1)(a) of this section apply
to a conviction of:
(a) A Class C felony, except for criminal mistreatment in the
first degree under ORS 163.205 when it would constitute child
abuse, as defined in ORS 419B.005, or any sex crime.
(b) The crime of possession of the narcotic drug Marijuana when
that crime was punishable as a felony only.
02/23 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
02/25 (H) Referred to Judiciary.
03/19 (H) Public Hearing held.
04/03 (H) Work Session held.
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Oregon State > House Bill 2881 >
House Bill 2881 Sponsored by Representative BUCKLEY; Representatives HOLVEY, KOTEK, SHIELDS, TOMEI
-- Relating to medical Marijuana.
> Establishes procedure for employment-related marijuana drug testing and review of results by medical review officer.
> Requires attending physician who provides documentation for medical marijuana card to perform in-person examination of patient.
Relating to medical Marijuana; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 438.435 and 475.326.
... Relating to medical Marijuana; creating new provisions; and amending ... and includes a test for Marijuana, the laboratory shall forward the Marijuana test result to the medical ...
Relating to medical Marijuana; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 438.435 and 475.326.
{ + (4) When the substance of abuse test is a test for
nonmedical employment or pre-employment purposes and includes a
test for Marijuana, the laboratory shall forward the Marijuana
test result to the medical review officer designated by the
employer under section 2 of this 2009 Act. The laboratory may not
report a Marijuana test result to the employer, but may report
the result of any other substance of abuse test in accordance
with this section. + }
(b) 'Medical review officer' means a physician licensed under
ORS chapter 677 who is responsible for receiving, reviewing and
reporting laboratory results generated when an employer performs
a drug test for Marijuana on an employee.
(2) If an employer requires an employee to submit to a drug
test for Marijuana, the employer shall designate a medical review
officer to receive, review and report the test result to the
employer. The medical review officer must be trained in the
assessment and treatment of substance abuse.
(3) If a medical review officer receives a test result that is
negative for Marijuana from a laboratory as provided in ORS
438.435, the medical review officer shall report a negative
Marijuana test result to the employer.
(4)(a) If a medical review officer receives a test result that
is positive for Marijuana from a laboratory as provided in ORS
438.435, the medical review officer shall consult with the
employee to determine if the employee possesses a registry
identification card issued under ORS 475.309.
(b) If the employee does not possess a registry identification
card issued under ORS 475.309, the medical review officer shall
report a positive Marijuana test result to the employer.
(c) If the employee possesses a registry identification card
issued under ORS 475.309, the medical review officer shall
consult with the employee to determine the employee's pattern of
Marijuana use and the potential for impairment while the employee
is acting in the course and scope of employment.
(d) If, after the consultation required by paragraph (c) of
this subsection, the medical review officer determines that the
employee's Marijuana use poses a risk to the safety of the
employee or others in the employee's place of employment, the
medical review officer shall report a positive Marijuana test
result to the employer.
(e) If, after the consultation required by paragraph (c) of
this subsection, the medical review officer determines that the
employee's Marijuana use does not pose a risk to the safety of
the employee or others in the employee's place of employment, the
medical review officer shall report a negative Marijuana test
result to the employer. + }
SECTION 3. ORS 475.326 is amended to read:
475.326. No attending physician may be subjected to civil
penalty or discipline by the Oregon Medical Board for:
(1) Advising a person whom the attending physician has
diagnosed as having a debilitating medical condition, or a person
who the attending physician knows has been so diagnosed by
another physician licensed under ORS chapter 677, about the risks
and benefits of medical use of Marijuana or that the medical use
of Marijuana may mitigate the symptoms or effects of the person's
debilitating medical condition, provided the advice is based on
the attending physician's personal assessment of the person's
medical history and current medical condition; or
(2) Providing the written documentation necessary for issuance
of a registry identification card under ORS 475.309, if { + :
(a) + } The documentation is based on the attending physician's
{ + in-person examination of the applicant and + } personal
assessment of the applicant's medical history { - and - }
{ + , + } current medical condition { + and appropriate
treatment plan; + } and
{ + (b) + } The attending physician has discussed the
potential medical risks and benefits of the medical use of
Marijuana with the applicant.
03/03 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
03/05 (H) Referred to Business and Labor.
03/18 (H) Public Hearing held.
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Oregon State > House Bill 2974 >
House Bill 2974 Sponsored by Representatives KOMP, GREENLICK; Representatives BARNHART, BERGER, COWAN, GELSER, HUFFMAN, KAHL, STIEGLER, TOMEI
-- Relating to tobacco.
> Increases minimum age for tobacco possession from 18 years to 21 years.
Relating to tobacco; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 163.575, 165.800, 165.813, ...
... under 18 years of age any device in which tobacco, Marijuana, cocaine or any controlled substance, as defined in ORS 475.005 ... of which is directly or indirectly to deliver tobacco smoke, Marijuana smoke, cocaine smoke or smoke from any controlled substance into ...
{ - (e) - } { + (d) + } Sells to a person under 18 years of
age any device in which tobacco, Marijuana, cocaine or any
controlled substance, as defined in ORS 475.005, is burned and
the principal design and use of which is directly or indirectly
to deliver tobacco smoke, Marijuana smoke, cocaine smoke or smoke
from any controlled substance into the human body including but
not limited to:
(A) Pipes, water pipes, hookahs, wooden pipes, carburetor
pipes, electric pipes, air driven pipes, corncob pipes,
meerschaum pipes and ceramic pipes, with or without screens,
permanent screens, hashish heads or punctured metal bowls;
(B) Carburetion tubes and devices, including carburetion masks;
(C) Bongs;
(D) Chillums;
(E) Ice pipes or chillers;
(F) Cigarette rolling papers and rolling machines; and
(G) Cocaine free basing kits.
03/05 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
03/10 (H) Referred to Human Services.
04/01 (H) Public Hearing held.
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Oregon State > House Bill 3052 >
-- Relating to drugs in the workplace.
> Expands ability of employer to prohibit use of medical marijuana in workplace.
Relating to drugs in the workplace; amending ORS 475.340.
... introduced. Expands ability of employer to prohibit use of medical Marijuana in workplace. A BILL FOR AN ACT ... a person for costs associated with the medical use of Marijuana { - ; or - } { + . + } (2) ...
Relating to drugs in the workplace; amending ORS 475.340.
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
SECTION 1. ORS 475.340 is amended to read:
475.340. Nothing in ORS 475.300 to 475.346 shall be construed
to { - require - } :
(1) { + Require + } a government medical assistance program or
private health insurer to reimburse a person for costs associated
with the medical use of Marijuana { - ; or - } { + . + }
(2) { + Require + } an employer to { + :
(a) + } Accommodate the medical use of Marijuana in any
workplace { + regardless of where the use occurs;
(b) Allow an employee or independent contractor to possess, to
consume or to be impaired by the use of Marijuana during working
hours; or
(c) Allow any person who is impaired by the use of Marijuana to
remain in the workplace.
(3) Preclude or restrict an employer from establishing or
enforcing a policy to achieve or maintain a drug-free
workforce + }.
03/09 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
03/11 (H) Referred to Business and Labor.
03/18 (H) Public Hearing held.
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Oregon State > House Bill 3274 >
-- Relating to medical Marijuana; appropriating money; providing for revenue raising that requires approval by a three-fifths majority.
> Directs Department of Human Services to establish and operate marijuana production facility and distribute marijuana to pharmacies for dispensing to medical marijuana cardholders and designated primary caregivers.
> Allows pharmacists to dispense marijuana to medical marijuana cardholders and designated primary caregivers.
> Disallows private marijuana grow sites.
> Imposes tax of $98 per ounce on marijuana dispensed by pharmacies.
> Establishes Marijuana Production Facility Fund. Continuously appropriates moneys from fund to department for operation of production facility.
Relating to medical Marijuana; creating new provisions; amending ORS 475.302, 475.306, 475. ...
... pharmacies for dispensing to medical Marijuana cardholders and designated primary caregivers. Allows pharmacists to dispense Marijuana to medical Marijuana cardholders and ...
Relating to medical Marijuana; creating new provisions; amending
ORS 475.302, 475.306, 475.309, 475.316, 475.319, 475.320,
475.324 and 475.331; repealing ORS 475.304; appropriating
money; and providing for revenue raising that requires approval
by a three-fifths majority.
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
SECTION 1. { + Sections 2 and 3 of this 2009 Act are added to
and made a part of ORS 475.300 to 475.346. + }
SECTION 2. { + (1) The Department of Human Services shall
establish and operate a Marijuana production facility that
produces all Marijuana used by registry identification
cardholders. The department shall distribute Marijuana produced
at the facility to pharmacies for dispensing to registry
identification cardholders and designated primary caregivers.
(2) The department shall adopt rules:
(a) Ensuring the security of the facility and plants;
(b) Establishing a procedure for distribution of medical
Marijuana to pharmacies;
(c) Ensuring consistent quality of the medical Marijuana
(d) Establishing recordkeeping procedures for tracking medical
Marijuana products from the facility to the end user consistent
with federal and state guidelines; and
SECTION 16. { + The Marijuana Production Facility Fund is
established in the State Treasury, separate and distinct from the
General Fund. Interest earned by the Marijuana Production
Facility Fund shall be credited to the fund. The fund consists of
moneys deposited in the fund under sections 2 and 14 of this 2009
Act. Moneys in the fund are continuously appropriated to the
Department of Human Services for purposes of establishing and
operating the Marijuana production facility required by section 2
of this 2009 Act. + }
SECTION 17. { + (1) Sections 2 and 3 of this 2009 Act, the
amendments to ORS 475.302, 475.306, 475.309, 475.316, 475.319,
475.320, 475.324 and 475.331 by sections 4 to 11 of this 2009 Act
and the repeal of ORS 475.304 by section 12 of this 2009 Act
become operative on January 1, 2011.
(2) The Director of Human Services may take any action before
the operative date specified in subsection (1) of this section
that is necessary to enable the director to exercise, on and
after the operative date, all the duties, functions and powers
conferred on the director by this 2009 Act.
(3) The State Board of Pharmacy may take any action before the
operative date specified in subsection (1) of this section that
is necessary to enable the board to exercise, on and after the
operative date, all the duties, functions and powers conferred on
the board by this 2009 Act. + }
SECTION 18. { + Sections 13 to 15 of this 2009 Act apply to
Marijuana dispensed on or after January 1, 2011. + }
03/11 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
03/12 (H) Referred to Business and Labor with subsequent referral to Revenue.
03/18 (H) Public Hearing held.
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Oregon State > House Bill 3371 >
House Bill 3371 Sponsored by Representative J SMITH
-- Relating to driving under the influence of Marijuana; declaring an emergency.
> Creates Task Force on Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana. Requires task force to submit report and any recommendations to interim legislative committee on crime by October 1, 2010.
> Sunsets task force on date of convening of next regular biennial legislative session.
> Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Relating to driving under the influence of Marijuana; and declaring an emergency.
... driving under the influence of Marijuana; and declaring an emergency. ... Driving Under the Influence of Marijuana. Requires task force to submit ...
Relating to driving under the influence of Marijuana; and
declaring an emergency.
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
SECTION 1. { + (1) There is created the Task Force on Driving
Under the Influence of Marijuana, consisting of four members
appointed as follows:
(2) The task force shall:
(a) Study methods of determining whether a person is under the
influence of Marijuana; and
(b) Determine whether a roadside test can rapidly and
qualitatively detect whether a person is driving under the
influence of Marijuana.
03/11 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
03/13 (H) Referred to Judiciary with subsequent referral to Ways and Means.
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text <
Oregon State > Senate Bill 149 >
Printed by order of the President of the Senate (at the request of Attorney General Hardy Myers for Attorney General's Restitution Reform Task Force)
-- Relating to compliance with the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act; declaring an emergency.
> Prohibits setting aside adult conviction or expunging juvenile record if unsatisfied compensatory fine or restitution judgment exists.
Relating to satisfaction of monetary obligations imposed in judgment for benefit of victim; ...
... would constitute child abuse, as defined in ORS 419B.005, or any sex crime. (b) The crime of possession of the narcotic drug marijuana when that crime was punishable as a felony only. (c) A crime punishable as either a felony or a misdemeanor, in the discretion ...
(5) The provisions of subsection (1)(a) of this section apply
to a conviction of:
(a) A Class C felony, except for criminal mistreatment in the
first degree under ORS 163.205 when it would constitute child
abuse, as defined in ORS 419B.005, or any sex crime.
(b) The crime of possession of the narcotic drug marijuana when
that crime was punishable as a felony only.
01/15 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.
01/21 (S) Referred to Judiciary.
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text <
Oregon State > Senate Bill 249 >
Printed pursuant to Senate Interim Rule 213.28 by order of the President of the Senate (at the request of Senate Interim Committee on Judiciary for Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association)
-- Relating to Marijuana.
> Authorizes court to enter judgment of conviction for Class A misdemeanor when person convicted of manufacturing certain amounts of marijuana.
> Modifies presumptive sentence for certain marijuana offenses.
Relating to Marijuana; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 161.705, 475.320 and 475.900.
... Relating to Marijuana; creating new provisions; and amending ... of manufacturing certain amounts of Marijuana. Modifies presumptive sentence for certain Marijuana offenses. ...
Relating to Marijuana; creating new provisions; and amending ORS
161.705, 475.320 and 475.900.
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
SECTION 1. ORS 161.705 is amended to read:
161.705. Notwithstanding ORS 161.525, the court may enter
judgment of conviction for a Class A misdemeanor and make
disposition accordingly when:
(1)(a) A person is convicted of any Class C felony;
(b) A person is convicted of { - a - } { + the + } Class B
felony { + of unlawful delivery of Marijuana + }pursuant to ORS
475.860 (2);
(c) A person is convicted of the Class B felony of { +
unlawful + } possession of Marijuana pursuant to ORS 475.864
(2) { + ;
(d) A person is convicted of the Class A felony of unlawful
manufacture of Marijuana pursuant to ORS 475.856 and the quantity
involved is no more than that described in ORS 475.320 (1)(a)(A)
or (4)(a) + }; or
SECTION 2. ORS 475.900 is amended to read:
475.900. (1) A violation of ORS 475.840, 475.846 to 475.894,
475.904 or 475.906 shall be classified as crime category 8 of the
sentencing guidelines grid of the Oregon Criminal Justice
Commission if:
(a) The violation constitutes delivery or manufacture of a
controlled substance { + other than Marijuana + } and involves
substantial quantities of { - a - } { + the + } controlled
substance. For purposes of this paragraph, the following amounts
constitute substantial quantities of the following controlled
(A) Five grams or more of a mixture or substance containing a
detectable amount of heroin;
(B) Ten grams or more of a mixture or substance containing a
detectable amount of cocaine;
(C) Ten grams or more of a mixture or substance containing a
detectable amount of methamphetamine, its salts, isomers or salts
of its isomers;
(D) One hundred grams or more of a mixture or substance
containing a detectable amount of hashish;
{ - (E) One hundred and fifty grams or more of a mixture or
substance containing a detectable amount of Marijuana; - }
(b) The violation constitutes possession, delivery or
manufacture of a controlled substance { + other than Marijuana
+ }and the possession, delivery or manufacture is a commercial
drug offense.
{ - A - } { + The + } possession, delivery or
manufacture { + of a controlled substance other than
Marijuana + } is a commercial drug offense for purposes of this
subsection if it is accompanied by at least three of the
following factors:
(A) The delivery was of heroin, cocaine, hashish,
{ - Marijuana, - } methamphetamine, lysergic acid
diethylamide, psilocybin or psilocin and was for consideration;
(B) The violation constitutes delivery or manufacture of
Marijuana and involves substantial quantities of Marijuana. For
purposes of this subparagraph, 150 grams or more of a mixture or
substance containing a detectable amount of Marijuana constitutes
substantial quantities of Marijuana.
(C) The violation constitutes possession, delivery or
manufacture of Marijuana and the possession, delivery or
manufacture is a commercial drug offense. The possession,
delivery or manufacture of Marijuana is a commercial drug offense
(i) The violation involves the delivery of Marijuana for
consideration and is accompanied by at least two of the factors
described in subsection (1)(b)(B) to (K) of this section; or
01/16 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.
01/22 (S) Referred to Judiciary.
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Oregon State > Senate Bill 251 >
Printed pursuant to Senate Interim Rule 213.28 by order of the President (at the request of Senate Interim Committee on Judiciary for Oregon District Attorneys' Association)
-- Relating to restricted weapons.
> Modifies crime of felon in possession of restricted weapon to include tasers.
Relating to restricted weapons; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 166.270.
... if: (a) The court declared the conviction to be a misdemeanor at the time of judgment; or (b) The offense was possession of Marijuana and the conviction was prior to January 1, 1972. (4) Subsection (1) of this section does not apply to any person who has ...
(3) For the purposes of this section, a person 'has been
convicted of a felony' if, at the time of conviction for an
offense, that offense was a felony under the law of the
jurisdiction in which it was committed. Such conviction shall not
be deemed a conviction of a felony if:
(a) The court declared the conviction to be a misdemeanor at
the time of judgment; or
(b) The offense was possession of Marijuana and the conviction
was prior to January 1, 1972.
01/16 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.
01/22 (S) Referred to Judiciary.
02/18 (S) Public Hearing and Work Session held.
02/23 (S) Recommendation: Do pass.
02/23 (S) Second reading.
02/24 (S) Carried over to
02-25 by unanimous consent.
02/25 (S) Third reading. Carried by Boquist. Passed. Ayes, 27; excused, 3--Morse, Nelson, Verger.
02/26 (H) First reading. Referred to Speaker's desk.
03/02 (H) Referred to Judiciary.
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Oregon State > Senate Bill 285 >
Printed pursuant to Senate Interim Rule 213.28 by order of the President of the Senate (at the request of Senate Interim Committee on Judiciary)
) -- Relating to Marijuana.
> Directs State Board of Pharmacy to classify marijuana as controlled substance in Schedule II.
Relating to Marijuana.
... Relating to Marijuana. ... the measure as introduced. Directs State Board of Pharmacy to classify Marijuana as controlled substance in Schedule II. A BILL FOR ...
Relating to Marijuana.
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
SECTION 1. { + The State Board of Pharmacy shall classify
Marijuana as a controlled substance in Schedule II. + }
01/16 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.
01/23 (S) Referred to Judiciary.
03/31 (S) Public Hearing held.
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Oregon State > Senate Bill 388 >
Introduced by Senator MORRISETTE
-- Relating to medical Marijuana; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 475.302, 475.304, ...
... food and tincture that incorporate Marijuana or hashish. Changes amounts of Marijuana that medical Marijuana cardholder and ...
> Permits medical marijuana cardholders to possess certain amounts of hashish and food and
tincture that incorporate marijuana or hashish.
> Changes amounts of marijuana that medical marijuana cardholder and primary caregiver may
collectively possess.
> Decreases amount of marijuana that may be possessed by persons responsible for marijuana
grow sites to 24 ounces. Creates exception to allow persons responsible for marijuana grow sites to
store medical marijuana cardholders marijuana if cardholder cannot store marijuana at cardholders
> Increases allowable size of marijuana seedlings.
> Directs Department of Human Services to prepare manual describing rights and obligations of
medical marijuana cardholders, primary caregivers, and persons responsible for marijuana grow
sites, and requires those persons to state in applications for registry identification cards that they
have read manual.
> Directs department to establish investigation and dispute resolution procedures for certain disputes.
SB 388 SB 388 Decreases amount of marijuana that may be possessed by persons responsible for marijuana grow sites to 24 ounces, among other bad and un-necessary things. We suggest that the clearly evident weaknesses and problems with this bill be politely pointed out by those who do not wish to see the patients and our program burdened by this collection of meddlesome and downright harmful provisions.
We are disappointed that the legislators are again placed in position where they are faced with a bill which is so flawed in what it presents and so absolutely lacking in what it needs, conditions which would not exist if the bill had been the work of more than one narrow, narrow segment of the OMMP registrants and the program's certified enemies.
If the contents of the bill had been vetted by the entire mmj community it would be a more solid useful piece of legislation rather than the unthought out collection of bad ideas that it is. PLEASE make sure this bill is either killed or fixed.
For more points - and a bulletin board to post yours - visit -
Status: There was a Hearing on this bill on Wednesday, Mar. 4, at 8AM in Salem,
We hope everyone can continue to attend these important hearings and help the committee understand the problems patients will be facing if the bill passes out in its current, damaging form.
01/28 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.
02/05 (S) Referred to Human Services and Rural Health Policy, then Ways and Means.
03/02 (S) Public Hearing held.
03/04 (S) Public Hearing held.
04/20 (S) Work Session scheduled.
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Oregon State > Senate Bill 397 >
Sponsored by Senator PROZANSKI, Representative GELSER (at the request of Ed Spinney)
-- Relating to setting aside arrests for traffic offenses.
> Allows person arrested for state or municipal traffic offense to have arrest record expunged in certain circumstances.
Relating to setting aside arrests for traffic offenses; creating new provisions; and ...
... would constitute child abuse, as defined in ORS 419B.005, or any sex crime. (b) The crime of possession of the narcotic drug marijuana when that crime was punishable as a felony only. (c) A crime punishable as either a felony or a misdemeanor, in the discretion ...
(5) The provisions of subsection (1)(a) of this section apply
to a conviction of:
(a) A Class C felony, except for criminal mistreatment in the
first degree under ORS 163.205 when it would constitute child
abuse, as defined in ORS 419B.005, or any sex crime.
(b) The crime of possession of the narcotic drug Marijuana when that crime was punishable as a felony only.
02/02 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.
02/03 (S) Referred to Judiciary.
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Oregon State > Senate Bill 426 >
Senate Bill 426 Sponsored by Senator GIROD
-- Relating to drug-free workplace policies.
Relating to drugs in the workplace; amending ORS 475.340.
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
SECTION 1. ORS 475.340 is amended to read:
475.340. Nothing in ORS 475.300 to 475.346 { - shall be
construed to require - } :
(1) { + Requires + } a government medical assistance program
or private health insurer to reimburse a person for costs
associated with the medical use of Marijuana; { - or - }
(2) { + Requires + } an employer to { + :
(a) + } Accommodate the medical use of Marijuana in any
workplace { - . - } { + regardless of where the use occurs;
(b) Allow an employee or independent contractor to possess,
consume or be impaired by the use of Marijuana during working
hours; or
(c) Allow any person who is impaired by the use of Marijuana to
remain in the workplace; or
(3) Precludes or restricts an employer from establishing or
enforcing a policy to achieve or maintain a drug-free
workforce. + }
02/02 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.
02/09 (S) Referred to Commerce and Workforce Development.
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Oregon State > Senate Bill 427 >
Sponsored by Senator GIROD
-- Relating to drug-free workplace policies.
> Allows employer to adopt comprehensive drug-free workplace program, including drug and alcohol testing policies.
> Establishes requirements for program and policies, including requirements for collection of samples and testing procedures.
> Exempts employer from civil actions under certain conditions when employer has adopted comprehensive drug-free workplace program.
> Modifies definition of 'compensable injury' in workers' compensation law.
> Modifies application of disability law in relation to illegal use of drugs.
> Requires applicant for medical marijuana registry identification card to notify employer before using marijuana.
> Provides that Oregon Medical Marijuana Act does not require employer to make workplace accommodation regardless of where marijuana use occurs.
Relating to drug-free workplace policies; creating new provisions; and amending ORS 475.309 ...
... drugs. Requires applicant for medical Marijuana registry identification card to notify employer before using Marijuana. Provides that Oregon Medical Marijuana ...
(B) This paragraph does not apply to an individual who has
refused to enter into or has violated the terms of a last chance
agreement with the employer.
(c) It is no defense or excuse under this section that the
individual's separation resulted from alcohol use, Marijuana use,
unlawful drug use, alcoholism or drug addiction.
(A) Between an employer and an employee who has violated the
employer's reasonable written policy, has engaged in drug or
alcohol use connected with work or has admitted to alcohol abuse,
Marijuana use or unlawful drug use; and
(B) That permits the employee to return to work under
conditions that may require the employee to:
(i) Abstain from alcohol use, Marijuana use and unlawful drug
use; and
(ii) Attend and comply with the requirements of a
rehabilitation or education program acceptable to the employer.
{ + (d) 'Reasonable written policy' includes a comprehensive
drug-free workplace program established consistent with sections
1 to 9 of this 2009 Act. + }
{ - (d) - } { + (e) + } An individual is 'under the
influence of intoxicants' when the level of alcohol, Marijuana or
unlawful drugs present in the individual's body exceeds the
amount prescribed in a collective bargaining agreement, or the
amount prescribed in the employer's reasonable written policy if
there is no applicable collective bargaining agreement provision.
SECTION 15. ORS 475.309 is amended to read:
475.309. (1) Except as provided in ORS 475.316, 475.320 and
475.342, a person engaged in or assisting in the medical use of
Marijuana is excepted from the criminal laws of the state for
possession, delivery or production of Marijuana, aiding and
abetting another in the possession, delivery or production of
Marijuana or any other criminal offense in which possession,
delivery or production of Marijuana is an element if the
following conditions have been satisfied:
(a) The person holds a registry identification card issued
pursuant to this section, has applied for a registry
identification card pursuant to subsection (9) of this section,
is the designated primary caregiver of the cardholder or
applicant, or is the person responsible for a Marijuana grow site
that is producing Marijuana for the cardholder and is registered
under ORS 475.304; and
(b) The person who has a debilitating medical condition, the
person's primary caregiver and the person responsible for a
Marijuana grow site that is producing Marijuana for the
cardholder and is registered under ORS 475.304 are collectively
in possession of, delivering or producing Marijuana for medical
use in amounts allowed under ORS 475.320.
02/02 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.
02/09 (S) Referred to Commerce and Workforce Development.
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Oregon State > Senate Bill 573 >
Sponsored by Senator BOQUIST
-- Relating to firearms.
> Modifies circumstances under which person may petition for relief from prohibition on possession of firearms.
Relating to firearms; amending ORS 166.260, 166.270 and 166.274.
... if: (a) The court declared the conviction to be a misdemeanor at the time of judgment; or (b) The offense was possession of Marijuana and the conviction was prior to January 1, 1972. (4) Subsection (1) of this section does not apply to any person who has ...
(3) For the purposes of this section, a person 'has been
convicted of a felony' if, at the time of conviction for an
offense, that offense was a felony under the law of the
jurisdiction in which it was committed. Such conviction shall not
be deemed a conviction of a felony if:
(a) The court declared the conviction to be a misdemeanor at
the time of judgment; or
(b) The offense was possession of Marijuana and the conviction
was prior to January 1, 1972.
02/23 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.
02/26 (S) Referred to Judiciary.
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Oregon State > Senate Bill 676 >
Sponsored by Senators PROZANSKI, NELSON -- Relating to industrial hemp; appropriating money.
> Permits production and possession of industrial hemp and trade in industrial hemp commodities and products.
> Authorizes State Department of Agriculture to administer licensing, permitting and inspection program for growers and handlers of industrial hemp.
> Allows department to charge fees to growers and handlers.
> Continuously appropriates fee moneys to department.
> Allows department to impose civil penalty not exceeding $2,500 for violation of license or permit requirements.
Relating to industrial hemp; creating new provisions; amending ORS 475.005 and 561.144; and ...
... Whereas the Cannabis sativa plant used for the production of industrial hemp is separate and distinct from forms of Cannabis used to produce Marijuana; and Whereas industrial hemp is used for products such as building materials, cloth, cordage, fiber, food, floor coverings, fuel, industrial chemicals, paint, paper ...
Relating to medical Marijuana; creating new provisions; amending
ORS 475.302, 475.316, 475.323, 475.324 and 475.331; and
appropriating money.
{ + (6) 'Dispensary' means a nonprofit entity that produces
Marijuana and delivers usable Marijuana or Marijuana plants to
registry identification cardholders. + }
{ - (6) - } { + (7) + } 'Marijuana' has the meaning given
that term in ORS 475.005.
{ - (7) - } { + (8) + } 'Marijuana grow site' means a
location where Marijuana is produced for use by a
{ + particular + } registry identification cardholder and that
is registered under the provisions of ORS 475.304.
{ - (8) - } { + (9) + } 'Medical use of Marijuana' means
the production, possession, delivery, or administration of
Marijuana, or paraphernalia used to administer Marijuana, as
necessary for the exclusive benefit of a person to mitigate the
symptoms or effects of the person's debilitating medical
{ + (10) 'Producer' means a person who produces usable
Marijuana or Marijuana plants for a registry identification
cardholder, designated primary caregiver, person responsible for
a grow site or registered dispensary. + }
{ - (9) - } { + (11) + } 'Production' has the meaning given
that term in ORS 475.005.
{ - (10) - } { + (12) + } 'Registry identification card'
means a document issued by the department that identifies a
person authorized to engage in the medical use of Marijuana and
the person's designated primary caregiver, if any.
{ - (11) - } { + (13) + } 'Usable Marijuana' means the
dried leaves and flowers of the plant Cannabis family Moraceae,
and any mixture or preparation thereof, that are appropriate for
medical use as allowed in ORS 475.300 to 475.346. 'Usable
Marijuana' does not include the seeds, stalks and roots of the
{ - (12) - } { + (14) + } 'Written documentation' means a
statement signed by the attending physician of a person diagnosed
with a debilitating medical condition or copies of the person's
relevant medical records.
SECTION 3. { + (1) A dispensary may not produce or deliver
Marijuana unless the dispensary is registered with the Department
of Human Services.
(2) A dispensary that is registered with the department may
produce and deliver usable Marijuana and Marijuana plants to any
registry identification cardholder or designated primary
(3) The department shall issue a dispensary registration card
to a nonprofit entity that:
(a) Submits the following information to the department:
(A) The name of the entity and any other name used in
connection with the production or delivery of Marijuana;
(B) The addresses of locations used by the entity to produce or
deliver Marijuana;
(C) The names, addresses and dates of birth of the principal
officers of the entity;
03/03 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.
03/09 (S) Referred to Environment and Natural Resources.
03/26 (S) Public Hearing held.
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Oregon State > Senate Bill 812 >
Sponsored by COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY (at the request of Coalition for Patients' Rights) -- Relating to medical marijuana; appropriating money.
> Requires Department of Human Services to register certain dispensaries and producers of medical marijuana and establishes requirements for dispensaries and producers of marijuana.
> Directs department to develop and implement program to assist low-income medical marijuana cardholder in obtaining marijuana.
> Allows department to conduct research on efficacy and safety of marijuana used by medical marijuana cardholders.
> Establishes Medical Marijuana Fund. Appropriates moneys in fund to department.
Relating to medical Marijuana; creating new provisions; amending ORS 475.302, 475.316, 475. ...
... on efficacy and safety of Marijuana used by medical Marijuana cardholders. Establishes Medical Marijuana Fund ... a nonprofit entity that produces Marijuana and delivers usable Marijuana or Marijuana plants to registry ...
Relating to medical Marijuana; creating new provisions; amending
ORS 475.302, 475.316, 475.323, 475.324 and 475.331; and
appropriating money.
{ + (6) 'Dispensary' means a nonprofit entity that produces
Marijuana and delivers usable Marijuana or Marijuana plants to
registry identification cardholders. + }
{ - (6) - } { + (7) + } 'Marijuana' has the meaning given
that term in ORS 475.005.
{ - (7) - } { + (8) + } 'Marijuana grow site' means a
location where Marijuana is produced for use by a
{ + particular + } registry identification cardholder and that
is registered under the provisions of ORS 475.304.
{ - (8) - } { + (9) + } 'Medical use of Marijuana' means
the production, possession, delivery, or administration of
Marijuana, or paraphernalia used to administer Marijuana, as
necessary for the exclusive benefit of a person to mitigate the
symptoms or effects of the person's debilitating medical
{ + (10) 'Producer' means a person who produces usable
Marijuana or Marijuana plants for a registry identification
cardholder, designated primary caregiver, person responsible for
a grow site or registered dispensary. + }
{ - (9) - } { + (11) + } 'Production' has the meaning given
that term in ORS 475.005.
{ - (10) - } { + (12) + } 'Registry identification card'
means a document issued by the department that identifies a
person authorized to engage in the medical use of Marijuana and
the person's designated primary caregiver, if any.
{ - (11) - } { + (13) + } 'Usable Marijuana' means the
dried leaves and flowers of the plant Cannabis family Moraceae,
and any mixture or preparation thereof, that are appropriate for
medical use as allowed in ORS 475.300 to 475.346. 'Usable
Marijuana' does not include the seeds, stalks and roots of the
{ - (12) - } { + (14) + } 'Written documentation' means a
statement signed by the attending physician of a person diagnosed
with a debilitating medical condition or copies of the person's
relevant medical records.
SECTION 3. { + (1) A dispensary may not produce or deliver
Marijuana unless the dispensary is registered with the Department
of Human Services.
(2) A dispensary that is registered with the department may
produce and deliver usable Marijuana and Marijuana plants to any
registry identification cardholder or designated primary
(3) The department shall issue a dispensary registration card
to a nonprofit entity that:
(a) Submits the following information to the department:
(A) The name of the entity and any other name used in
connection with the production or delivery of Marijuana;
(B) The addresses of locations used by the entity to produce or
deliver Marijuana;
(C) The names, addresses and dates of birth of the principal
officers of the entity;
03/05 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.
03/12 (S) Referred to Human Services and Rural Health Policy.
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Oregon State > Senate Bill 893 >
-- Relating to medical Marijuana in the work-place.
> Prohibits discrimination in employment under certain circumstances if discrimination is based on person's status as medical marijuana registry cardholder or use of medical marijuana off property or premises of employment or during hours that are not hours of employment.
> Makes such discrimination unlawful employment practice.
> Allows employers to discipline employees who use medical marijuana on property or premises or during hours of employment.
Relating to medical marijuana in the workplace; creating new
provisions; and amending ORS 475.340.
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
SECTION 1. ORS 475.340 is amended to read:
475.340. Nothing in ORS 475.300 to 475.346 shall be construed
to require:
(1) A government medical assistance program or private health
insurer to reimburse a person for costs associated with the
medical use of marijuana; or
(2) An employer to accommodate the medical use of marijuana
{ - in any workplace - } { + on the property or premises of
any place employment or during hours of employment except as
provided in section 3 of this 2009 Act + }.
SECTION 2. { + Sections 3 and 4 of this 2009 Act is added to
and made a part of ORS + } { + 475.300 to 475.346. + }
SECTION 3. { + (1) It is unlawful for an employer to
discriminate against a person in hiring, termination or any term
or condition of employment or otherwise penalize a person if the
discrimination is based on:
(a) The status of the person as a registry identification
cardholder; or
(b) A positive drug test for marijuana if the person is a
registry identification cardholder and the medical use of
marijuana does not occur on the property or premises of the place
of employment or during the hours of employment.
(2) The prohibition established by this section does not apply
to an person employed in a safety-sensitive position. As used in
this section, 'safety-sensitive position' means a position in
(a) The medical use of marijuana could affect the performance
of the employee and endanger the health and safety of others;
03/09 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.
03/16 (S) Referred to Commerce and Workforce Development.
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Oregon State > Senate Bill 956 >
By COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY (at the request of Oregon Association Chiefs of Police, Oregon State Sheriffs' Association, Oregon District Attorneys Association, Oregon Narcotics Enforcement Association and Oregon Partnership)
-- Relating to Marijuana; declaring an emergency.
> Modifies definitions related to marijuana for purposes of certain criminal laws.
> Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Relating to Marijuana; amending ORS 167.222, 475.005, 475.
... Relating to Marijuana; amending ORS 167.222, 475.005 ... introduced. Modifies definitions related to Marijuana for purposes of certain criminal ...
Relating to Marijuana; amending ORS 167.222, 475.005, 475.302,
475.304, 475.306, 475.320, 475.323, 475.324, 475.860 and
475.864; and declaring an emergency.
(b) By a practitioner, or by an authorized agent under the
practitioner's supervision, for the purpose of, or as an incident
to, research, teaching or chemical analysis and not for sale.
{ - (16) - } { + (17) + } 'Marijuana' means all parts of
the { - plant - } Cannabis { + plant + } { - family
Moraceae - } , whether growing or not { - ; the resin extracted
from any part of the plant; - } and every compound, manufacture,
salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the plant { - or
its resin. It - } { + . 'Marijuana' + } does not include the
mature stalks of the plant, fiber produced from the stalks, oil
or cake made from the seeds of the plant, any other compound,
manufacture, salt, derivative, mixture, or preparation of the
mature stalks { - (except the resin extracted therefrom) - } ,
fiber, oil { - , - } or cake, { - or - } the sterilized seed
of the plant { - which - } { + that + } is incapable of
germination { + or hashish + }.
(6) 'Marijuana' has the meaning given that term in ORS 475.005.
(7) 'Marijuana grow site' means a location where Marijuana is
produced for use by a registry identification cardholder and that
is registered under the provisions of ORS 475.304.
{ + (8) 'Mature Marijuana plant' means a Marijuana plant that
is not a seedling or start. 'Mature Marijuana plant' includes
plants that have been harvested and are in the process of
drying. + }
{ - (8) - } { + (9) + } 'Medical use of Marijuana' means
the production, possession, delivery, or administration of
Marijuana, or paraphernalia used to administer Marijuana, as
necessary for the exclusive benefit of a person to mitigate the
symptoms or effects of the person's debilitating medical
03/10 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.
03/17 (S) Referred to Human Services and Rural Health Policy.
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Oregon State > Senate Bill 957 >
By COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY (at the request of Oregon Association Chiefs of Police, Oregon State Sheriffs' Association, Oregon District Attorneys Association, Oregon Narcotics Enforcement Association and Oregon Partnership)
-- Relating to medical Marijuana; declaring an emergency.
> Modifies provisions of Oregon Medical Marijuana Act.
> Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Relating to medical Marijuana; amending ORS 475.304, 475.
... shall establish by rule a Marijuana grow site registration system to authorize production of Marijuana by a registry identification cardholder ...
Relating to medical Marijuana; amending ORS 475.304, 475.309,
475.312 and 475.331; and declaring an emergency.
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
SECTION 1. ORS 475.304 is amended to read:
475.304. { - (1) - } { + (1)(a) + } The Department of Human
Services shall establish by rule a Marijuana grow site
registration system to authorize production of Marijuana by a
registry identification cardholder, a designated primary
caregiver who grows Marijuana for the cardholder or a person who
is responsible for a Marijuana grow site. The Marijuana grow site
registration system adopted must require a registry
identification cardholder to submit an application to the
department that includes:
{ - (a) - } { + (A) + } The name { + , date of birth and
address + } of the person responsible for the Marijuana grow
{ - (b) - } { + (B) + } The address { + , including the
street name and number, + } of the Marijuana grow site;
{ + (C) The tax lot number as depicted on a current certified
copy of a tax lot map from the county assessor; + }
{ - (c) - } { + (D) + } The registry identification card
number of the registry cardholder for whom the Marijuana is being
produced; { +
(E) A statement, signed under penalty of perjury by the
registry identification cardholder and any other person who is
responsible for the Marijuana grow site, attesting to the
accuracy of the application; + } and
03/10 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.
03/17 (S) Referred to Human Services and Rural Health Policy.
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Oregon State > Senate Bill 958 >
By COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY (at the request of Oregon Association Chiefs of Police, Oregon State Sheriffs' Association, Oregon District Attorneys Association, Oregon Narcotics Enforcement Association and Oregon Partnership)
-- Relating to designated primary caregivers; declaring an emergency.
> Modifies provisions in Oregon Medical Marijuana Act related to designated primary caregivers.
> Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Relating to designated primary caregivers; amending ORS 475.
... the person responsible for a Marijuana grow site that is producing Marijuana for the cardholder and is ... the person responsible for a Marijuana grow site that is producing Marijuana for the cardholder and is ...
Relating to designated primary caregivers; amending ORS 475.306,
475.309 and 475.312; and declaring an emergency.
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
SECTION 1. ORS 475.312 is amended to read:
475.312. { + (1) Except as otherwise provided in ORS 475.309
(3), a designated primary caregiver may assist a person who
possesses a registry identification card in the medical use of
Marijuana if the cardholder's attending physician certifies that
a caregiver is medically necessary because the cardholder is:
(a) Severely ill; and
(b) Physically incapacitated or debilitated to the degree that
a caregiver is required for the daily physical care of the
patient. + }
{ + (4) A cardholder who has a designated primary caregiver
may not be a designated primary caregiver or a person responsible
for a Marijuana grow site.
(5) A person may not be a designated primary caregiver for more
than two cardholders at any given time. + }
SECTION 2. ORS 475.309 is amended to read:
475.309. (1) Except as provided in ORS 475.316, 475.320 and
475.342, a person engaged in or assisting in the medical use of
Marijuana is excepted from the criminal laws of the state for
possession, delivery or production of Marijuana, aiding and
abetting another in the possession, delivery or production of
Marijuana or any other criminal offense in which possession,
delivery or production of Marijuana is an element if the
following conditions have been satisfied:
(a) The person holds a registry identification card issued
pursuant to this section, has applied for a registry
identification card pursuant to subsection (9) of this section,
is the designated primary caregiver of the cardholder or
applicant, or is the person responsible for a Marijuana grow site
that is producing Marijuana for the cardholder and is registered
under ORS 475.304; and
(b) The person who has a debilitating medical condition, the
person's primary caregiver and the person responsible for a
Marijuana grow site that is producing Marijuana for the
cardholder and is registered under ORS 475.304 are collectively
in possession of, delivering or producing Marijuana for medical
use in amounts allowed under ORS 475.320.
03/10 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.
03/17 (S) Referred to Human Services and Rural Health Policy.
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Oregon State > Senate Bill 959 >
By COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY (at the request of Oregon Association Chiefs of Police, Oregon State Sheriffs' Association, Oregon District Attorneys Association, Oregon Narcotics Enforcement Association and Oregon Partnership)
-- Relating to compliance with the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act; declaring an emergency.
> Modifies provisions of Oregon Medical Marijuana Act.
> Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Relating to compliance with the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act; creating new provisions; ...
... shall establish by rule a Marijuana grow site registration system to authorize production of Marijuana by a registry identification cardholder ...
Relating to compliance with the Oregon Medical Marijuana Act;
creating new provisions; amending ORS 475.304, 475.306,
475.309, 475.316, 475.320, 475.323 and 475.324; and declaring
an emergency.
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
SECTION 1. ORS 475.304 is amended to read:
475.304. { - (1) - } { + (1)(a) + } The Department of Human
Services shall establish by rule a Marijuana grow site
registration system to authorize production of Marijuana by a
registry identification cardholder, a designated primary
caregiver who grows Marijuana for the cardholder or a person who
is responsible for a Marijuana grow site. The Marijuana grow site
registration system adopted must require a registry
identification cardholder to submit an application to the
department that includes:
{ - (a) - } { + (A) + } The name of the person responsible
for the Marijuana grow site;
{ - (b) - } { + (B) + } The address of the Marijuana grow
{ - (c) - } { + (C) + } The registry identification card
number of the registry cardholder for whom the Marijuana is being
produced; and
{ - (d) - } { + (D) + } Any other information the
department considers necessary.
{ + (b) A Marijuana grow site may not be operated at an
address that is within 1,000 feet of a school in violation of ORS
475.858. + }
03/10 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.
03/17 (S) Referred to Human Services and Rural Health Policy.
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Oregon State > Senate Bill 960 > Sponsored by COMMITTEE ON JUDICIARY (at the request of Oregon Association Chiefs of Police, Oregon State Sheriffs' Association, Oregon District Attorneys Association, Oregon Narcotics Enforcement Association and Oregon Partnership)
-- Relating to medical marijuana; declaring an emergency.
> Modifies requirements for obtaining marijuana grow site registration card.
> Requires registry identification cardholder, designated primary caregiver and person responsible for grow site to authorize inspection.
> Requires Department of Human Services to revoke registry identification card, marijuana grow site registration card or designated primary caregiver identification card of person who refuses inspection.
> Removes exception from criminal liability for person who refuses inspection.
> Declares emergency, effective on passage.
Relating to medical Marijuana; amending ORS 475.304, 475.316,
475.320 and 475.323; and declaring an emergency.
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
SECTION 1. ORS 475.304 is amended to read:
475.304. { - (1) - } { + (1)(a) + } The Department of Human
Services shall establish by rule a Marijuana grow site
registration system to authorize production of Marijuana by a
registry identification cardholder, a designated primary
caregiver who grows Marijuana for the cardholder or a person who
is responsible for a Marijuana grow site. The Marijuana grow site
registration system adopted must require a registry
identification cardholder to submit an application to the
department that includes:
{ - (a) - } { + (A) + } The name of the person responsible
for the Marijuana grow site;
{ - (b) - } { + (B) + }The address of the Marijuana grow
{ - (c) - } { + (C) + } The registry identification card
number of the registry cardholder for whom the Marijuana is being
{ + (D) The written agreement described in paragraph (b) of
this subsection; + }and
{ - (d) - } { + (E) + } Any other information the
department considers necessary.
{ + (b) An application for a Marijuana grow site registration
card shall include a written agreement authorizing the inspection
of the Marijuana grow site and the person, vehicle and residence
of the registry identification cardholder, the person responsible
for the grow site and the designated primary caregiver, if any.
The agreement must authorize an inspection upon the request of
any department employee or law enforcement designee of the
department at any time between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.,
Monday through Friday, or at any time if a law enforcement
designee of the department develops probable cause to believe
that the registry identification cardholder, the person
responsible for the grow site or the designated primary
caregiver, if any, is in violation of the provisions of ORS
475.840 to 475.980. The agreement must be signed by the registry
identification cardholder, the person responsible for the grow
site and the designated primary caregiver, if any.
03/10 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.
03/17 (S) Referred to Human Services and Rural Health Policy.
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Oregon State > Senate Bill 5530 >
Printed pursuant to Senate Interim Rule 213.28 by order of the President of the Senate (at the request of Budget and Management Division, Oregon Department of Administrative Services)
-- Relating to financial administration of the Department of Human Services; declaring an emergency.
> Approves certain new or increased fees adopted by Department of Human Services.
> Declares emergency, effective July 1, 2009.
Relating to financial administration of the Department of Human Services; and declaring an ...
... MEASURE. Health Division, Oregon Medical Marijuana Program: (a) New applicants and renewal applicants for a medical Marijuana certificate registration, non-food ...
01/12 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.
01/12 (S) Referred to Ways and Means.
01/26 (S) Assigned to Subcommittee On Human Services.
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