Senate Bill 676 is Sponsored by Senators PROZANSKI, NELSON -- Relating to industrial hemp; appropriating money.
Relating to industrial hemp; creating new provisions; amending ORS 475.005 and 561.144; and ...
... Whereas the Cannabis sativa plant used for the production of industrial hemp is separate and distinct from forms of Cannabis used to produce marijuana; and Whereas industrial hemp is used for products such as building materials, cloth, cordage, fiber, food, floor coverings, fuel, industrial chemicals, paint, paper ...
Relating to industrial hemp; creating new provisions; amending
ORS 475.005 and 561.144; and appropriating money.
Whereas the Cannabis sativa plant used for the production of
industrial hemp is separate and distinct from forms of Cannabis
used to produce marijuana; and
Whereas industrial hemp is used for products such as building
materials, cloth, cordage, fiber, food, floor coverings, fuel,
industrial chemicals, paint, paper, particle board, plastics,
seed meal, seed oil and yarn; now, therefore,
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
SECTION 1. { + As used in sections 1 to 3 of this 2009 Act:
(1) 'Agricultural hemp seed' means Cannabis sativa seed that
meets any labeling, quality and other standards set by the
Director of Agriculture and that is intended for sale or is sold
to, or purchased by, licensed growers for planting.
(2) 'Crop' means any contiguous field of industrial hemp grown
under a single license.
(3) 'Grower' means a person, joint venture or cooperative that
produces industrial hemp.
(4) 'Handler' means a person, joint venture or cooperative that
receives industrial hemp for processing into commodities,
products or agricultural hemp seed.
(5) 'Industrial hemp':
(a) Means all nonseed parts and varieties of the Cannabis
sativa plant, whether growing or not, that contain a cropwide
average tetrahydrocannabinol concentration that does not exceed
one percent on a dry weight basis.
(19) 'Prescription' means a written, oral or electronically
transmitted direction, given by a practitioner for the
preparation and use of a drug. When the context requires,
'prescription ' also means the drug prepared under such written,
oral or electronically transmitted direction. Any label affixed
to a drug prepared under written, oral or electronically
transmitted direction shall prominently display a warning that
the removal thereof is prohibited by law.
(20) 'Production' includes the manufacture, planting,
cultivation, growing or harvesting of a controlled substance.
(21) 'Research' means an activity conducted by the person
registered with the federal Drug Enforcement Administration
pursuant to a protocol approved by the United States Food and
Drug Administration.
(22) 'Ultimate user' means a person who lawfully possesses a
controlled substance for the use of the person or for the use of
a member of the household of the person or for administering to
an animal owned by the person or by a member of the household of
the person.
SECTION 5. ORS 561.144 is amended to read:
561.144. (1) The State Treasurer shall establish a Department
of Agriculture Service Fund, which shall be a trust fund separate
and distinct from the General Fund. The State Department of
Agriculture shall deposit all license and service fees paid to it
under the provisions of the statutes identified in subsection (3)
of this section in the Department of Agriculture Service Fund.
The State Treasurer is the custodian of this trust fund, which
shall be deposited by the treasurer in such depositories as are
authorized to receive deposits of the General Fund, and which may
be invested by the treasurer in the same manner as authorized by
ORS 293.701 to 293.820.
The text on this Bill can be found in PDF format at:
03/03 (S) Introduction and first reading. Referred to President's desk.
03/09 (S) Referred to Environment and Natural Resources.
03/26 (S) Public Hearing held.
04/14 (S) Work Session held.
04/21 (S) Possible Work Session scheduled. 3PM, Hearing Room C
Each speaker called to testify will have two minutes to address the
committee. The order of testimony may be managed to ensure that all
points of view on these measures are presented.
Staff respectfully requests that you submit 25 collated copies of written
materials at the time of your testimony and, if possible, an electronic
copy of materials provided to staff 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Persons making presentations including the use of video, DVD, PowerPoint or
overhead projection equipment are asked to contact committee staff and
provide an electronic copy 24 hours prior to the meeting.
Whether you want to testify or not, it would be good to come to Salem for any hearings. It
would be especially good to try to schedule a meeting with your Senator -or- Representative
before the meeting, possible.
As with coming to court, if you decide to attend hearings, please dress appropriately and be
polite and respectful.
click here -
- for Capitol Info, such as directions, phone numbers and maps.
If you cannot attend, Please write and testify.
You can find wording of the measures here:
you can listen to the hearings online here
> Permits production and possession of industrial hemp and trade in industrial hemp commodities and products.
> Authorizes State Department of Agriculture to administer licensing, permitting and inspection program for growers and handlers of industrial hemp.
> Allows department to charge fees to growers and handlers.
> Continuously appropriates fee moneys to department.
> Allows department to impose civil penalty not exceeding $2,500 for violation of license or permit requirements.
A copy of the Bill may be found online at:
. and here .
LTL (Letters-To-yer-Legislator, Editor, Org Director, Biz Owner)
you can send identical emails to every oregon senator (which will show
as individual emails from you, to that senator) by sending To:
you can send identical emails to every oregon representative (which will
show as individual emails from you, to that representative) by sending
MAP's media resource center:
If you go to about the middle of the page you will find the "Style
Guide" with links to:
• MAP Letters to the Editor Archive
• Tips for Getting Letters to the Editor Published, by Platinum Letter
Writer, Robert Sharpe
• Letters to the Editor & Opinion Pieces, American College of Emergency
• MAP Three Tips for Letter Writers
• Powerful Paragraphs, ClearWriter's ClearTips
• How to Write Letters to the Editor, Schaffer Library of Drug Policy
• Grammar Bytes!, Grammar Instruction with Attitude
• How to Communicate with Journalists, Fairness and Accuracy in
• Letter Writer's Style Guide, by Chris Donald
• Writing Effective Letters to the Editor, 20/20 Vision
respectfully, we suggest two main rules-of-thumb for letter writing
to improve the liklihood of being published.
1. Write short declarative sentences as if you were speaking to a
child, a small animal or a judge.
2. Limit yourself to 150 words.
Best of luck.
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Example #1
Will be posted here.
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Examples & Notes
Will be posted as we learn about them.
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Link Summary:
For reference, tools, etc.
S.B. 676. Text of the Bill.
Index to Bills, and other items. Your Legislation Station.
ToolShed. Tips, Tools and Tricks.